Mu'an will end up fruitless. The west can't do what it wants


The three-day 58th Munich security conference ended on the 20th. The meeting coincided with the tense situation in Ukraine, and the relationship between Russia and the West became a focus topic. Western countries tried to show unity on this issue, but the security and economic interests of all parties were different, and it was difficult to reach a unified position. In addition, the Russian government did not send a delegation to attend, and the meeting failed to provide any good prescription for solving the Ukrainian issue, which just confirmed the theme of this year's meeting - "helplessness". Today's world is facing various urgent global challenges, which the west can no longer cope with alone. Only by strengthening cooperation and working together under the banner of true multilateralism can countries get rid of their "sense of helplessness" and achieve common development and prosperity. Focus on "getting rid of helplessness" "Getting rid of helplessness" is the theme set by the Munich Security Report 2022 released on the 14th. The report said that under the influence of multiple crises and challenges, western countries feel powerless, lose control and determination, and believe that they are unable to change the current dilemma. This sense of helplessness involves almost all the challenges facing the world today. WHO director general Tan Desai and Bill Gate, founder of China's Microsoft Corp, called on developed countries to provide more assistance to developing countries in fighting COVID-19. John Kerry, the special envoy of the US president on climate issues, expressed concern about the impact of geopolitical competition on efforts to slow down global warming; David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations World Food Programme, warned that factors such as conflict, climate change and COVID-19 are pushing millions of people to the edge of starvation. The hottest topic at the meeting was the competition among big powers and regional conflicts, especially the current situation in Ukraine and the sharp contradictions between Russia and the West. The focus of Western leaders' talks is almost only Russia and Ukraine. In his closing speech, chairman yishenger of the Muan Security Council said that the situation between Russia and Ukraine occupied most of the agenda of the meeting, and all parties should pay more attention to other issues. Ishengar said that this year's meeting is the most important since he was in charge of the mu'an Conference for 14 years, because various crises in the world are deteriorating in the interaction, and this trend is rising. In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony, UN Secretary General Guterres said that he was often asked whether he was in the "new cold war". His answer is that the threats to global security today are even more complex and huge than they were during the cold war. Recalling the recent mu'an meetings, from the 2018 annual report "on the brink of crisis, rein in at the brink of a precipice?", To 2019's global puzzle: who will put the pieces together, then to 2020 and 2021 to focus on "the lack of the west", and finally to this year's "getting rid of the sense of helplessness", this international strategy and security forum led by western countries frequently focuses on "uncertainty", which reflects the deep confusion of countries, especially western countries, about the current situation and the general concern about the future. Differences within the West Western concerns stem largely from internal contradictions and divisions. During Trump's presidency of the United States, there were serious cracks in transatlantic relations. The Muan society, which has always been a "family gathering" in the west, has become a propaganda platform for denouncing American unilateralism. In 2021, when the new US government came to power, Biden became the first US president to attend the mu'an meeting. He repeatedly stressed that "the United States is back" in an attempt to strengthen transatlantic relations. At this year's Muan meeting, western countries did try to show unity on the Ukrainian issue. During the meeting, leaders and senior officials of western countries held many bilateral and multilateral meetings. The foreign ministers of the group of seven issued a joint statement on the 19th, demanding that Russia use its influence on the civilian armed forces in eastern Ukraine to fulfill its obligations to implement the Minsk peace plan. European Commission President von delaine said that since the "crisis created by the Kremlin" began, the EU and the transatlantic community have been "fully united". German Foreign Minister Burke stressed that transatlantic solidarity can help the west get rid of its "sense of helplessness". However, the verbal unity of western countries is difficult to hide the obvious differences in positions. US Vice President Harris and British Prime Minister Johnson took the strongest attitude towards Russia at the meeting, constantly exaggerating Russia's security threat to Europe, and warning that if Russia "invades" Ukraine, it will suffer unprecedented economic sanctions. The position of the traditional European powers represented by Germany is obviously much more moderate. Although Germany also warned that Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine would trigger sanctions, it also stressed that diplomatic channels are still an important means to solve the Ukrainian problem. In the face of Ukraine's demand for arms imports, Germany explicitly rejected it. For Russia's core security concerns, that is, NATO should not include Ukraine as a member state, German Chancellor Scholz made it clear that the matter will not be put on the agenda in the near future. Observers pointed out that western countries have different security and economic interests in their relations with Russia. With the further development of the situation in Ukraine, differences within the West may continue to expand. Multilateral cooperation is the right way Mu'an club has always been a forum for the west to set up a platform and play a leading role in the West in history. In addition, the absence of representatives of the Russian government this year, the current mu'an meeting has almost become an internal meeting in which the Western camp unilaterally accused Russia, which triggered protests. During the meeting, nearly 1000 people held a rally in the square near the venue to oppose NATO's "war preparation" and call for peaceful coexistence and cooperation with Russia. Jacques Neumann, a 25-year-old medical student who attended the rally, said: "the United States has repeatedly claimed that Russia will invade. I think it is creating war panic and diverting people's attention from real issues such as climate change and carbon emission reduction. It is a great pity." Although mu'an made a lot of cruel and boastful remarks at the meeting, the rational voice of advocating cooperation and responsibility was not submerged. "There is no choice but diplomacy... All issues, including the most difficult ones, must be resolved through a diplomatic framework." Guterres said that all UN member states should settle their international disputes by peaceful means and avoid endangering international peace, security and justice. "In the face of common threats, we need cooperation and coordination, not the chaos and incoherence that contributed to the pandemic, which can solve the trust deficit we see," tandesse said Chinese State Councilor and foreign minister Wang Yi said in a video speech that we should strengthen unity and cooperation under the banner of multilateralism, paddle together on the big ship of shared destiny rather than restrict each other, encourage each other rather than attack each other, so as to overcome the current challenges and move towards a bright future. Analysts pointed out that in today's world, a West with insufficient strength and lack of common position can neither represent the whole world nor deal with global crises and challenges alone. To get rid of the "sense of collective helplessness", we must find a new path, that is to practice real multilateralism, strengthen equality, mutual trust, unity and cooperation, and jointly build a more prosperous, stable, fair and just world. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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