The religious work conference of Hubei Province was held to solidly promote the "Hubei practice" of religious Sinicization in China


On February 18, the religious work conference of Hubei Province was held. *** Strive to create a new situation of religious work in our province. Wang Zhonglin, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee and governor, presided over the meeting. Sun Wei, Secretary of the Party group and chairman of the provincial CPPCC, and Wang Ling, Secretary of the Party group and executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the provincial people's Congress, attended the meeting. *** We should earnestly study and understand, earnestly enhance the high consciousness of doing a good job in religious work in the new era, and ensure that the religious work in our province always moves in the right direction. Ying Yong stressed that to promote the "Hubei practice" of China's religious sinicization, we should make good use of the religious and cultural resources of our province and guide religious circles and religious believers to further enhance the "five identities". It is necessary to guide all religious groups in the province to explore and formulate the standard system and code of conduct to promote the Sinicization of religions in China from the perspective of doctrines, rules, management systems, etiquette and customs. We should continue to carry out education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism in religious circles, carry out targeted education in the "four histories", cultivate and Practice Socialist Core Values and carry forward Chinese culture. We should adhere to the overall concept of national security and resolutely implement the principle of independent management. We should strengthen the management of online religion. We should effectively solve the prominent problems affecting the healthy inheritance of religion. We should give full play to the advantages of Hubei Province of Social Sciences and strengthen the research, interpretation and publicity of the religious theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should support religious organizations to strictly administer religion in an all-round way and strengthen their own construction. We should vigorously improve the level of legalization of religious work, improve the system of laws and regulations, strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law, innovate grass-roots governance methods, and improve the efficiency of governance of religious affairs. At the request of Yingyong, we should improve our political position, strengthen the party's leadership over religious work, and ensure the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. We should tighten and compact the main responsibility of Party committees (Party groups) at all levels and the responsibility of the first responsible person of the main responsible comrades, improve the governance pattern of religious affairs under the leadership of Party committees, government management, social coordination and religious self-discipline, and further strengthen the construction of Party and government cadres, representatives of religious circles and Marxist religious research teams. Religious work is essentially mass work. We should consolidate the grass-roots foundation, improve the grass-roots network of religious work, and better unite religious figures and the broad masses of believers around the party and the government. Wang Zhonglin stressed that it is necessary to unify thinking, deepen understanding, effectively enhance the ideological consciousness, political consciousness and action consciousness of doing a good job in religious work in accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial Party committee, and grasp the implementation of all work with strong responsibility. We should highlight the key points, strengthen guidance, actively guide religion to adapt to the socialist society, so as to guide it properly, effectively and effectively, and earnestly open up a new situation of religious work in our province in an innovative era. We should consolidate responsibility, improve the mechanism, improve the governance pattern of religious affairs under the leadership of the Party committee, government management, social coordination and religious self-discipline, and earnestly pool a strong joint force to do a good job in religious work. Provincial leaders erkenjiang turahong, Guo yuanqiang, Dong Weimin, Zhao Haishan, Wang Li and Ma Xuming, and Wuhan Mayor Cheng Yongwen attended the meeting at the main and branch venues respectively. At the meeting, Wuhan, Xianning and relevant departments directly under the provincial government made exchange speeches respectively. The meeting was held in the form of teleconference, and sub venues were set up in all cities (prefectures), directly administered cities and Shennongjia forest area. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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