Share: don't "run the red light" when eating snacks


In the grand day of the Spring Festival, "eating" ceremony occupies more than half, ranging from luxury banquets to full tables of snacks. Colorful snacks are deeply loved by everyone. They are also one of the "hopes" for children's new year. But for parents, there are many worries. But a childhood without snacks is incomplete. The key is to know how to choose healthy snacks. When choosing snacks, many people prefer "heavy taste", and there will be many health worries here. If you choose the right snacks, they can be used as a beneficial supplement to your daily diet. What kind of snacks are healthy? Today, the nutritionist will teach you to choose healthy snacks for the Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is often a big "eat" ring. If you want to eat snacks without running the "red light", please refer to the following color differences to select snacks on the shelf. Green light This kind of snacks can be eaten frequently, including: ● vegetables and fruits Tomatoes, apples, cucumbers, etc ● milk Pure milk, pure yogurt and other high-quality dairy products ● nuts Plain peanuts, walnuts, etc ● cereal and potato Boiled corn, whole wheat bread, etc ● beverages Unsweetened fresh juice, etc Yellow lamps Such snacks should be eaten properly once or twice a week, including: ★ vegetables and fruits Fruit salad, dried banana, etc ★ milk Cheese, milk flakes, etc ★ nuts Baked cashew nuts and melon seeds with salt ★ cereal potato Biscuits, dried sweet potato, etc ★ candy Chewing gum, preserved fruit, etc ★ meat Beef jerky, shredded squid, etc ★ beverages Low sugar lactic acid beverage, coconut milk, etc Red light class This category of snacks is restricted snacks, which can be eaten at most once a week, including: ◆ cereal and potato Instant noodles and other foods with high salt and oil content ◆ candy Milk candy, chocolate, food with high sugar content, etc ◆ meat Fried chicken nuggets, fried chicken wings and other fried foods ◆ beverages Carbonated drinks such as sprite and cola ◆ cold drinks Ice cream, ice cream and other high sugar foods Dietitians teach you to choose new year snacks How to choose nutritious and healthy snacks, the following three points are very important: clean, hygienic and high nutritional value; Not easy to eat dinner; Look at the nutritional composition of the food. Years ago, nutritionists taught you how to choose snacks for the Chinese New Year. You don't have to lose three kilograms during the festival. Sweet and greasy Preserved fruit and candied fruit: high sugar + low fiber Recommendation Index: ★ When it comes to preserved fruits and preserves, girls can't help drooling. They think these snacks are made of fruit. They are not only delicious, but also have the effect of beauty. In fact, the sugar content of some of these snacks can be as high as more than 60%, and there is little vitamin left after processing. Because preserved fruits and preserves need to be boiled for a long time, and additives will be eaten in the boiling process to make the taste better, so the finished products become foods with high sugar, high calories and low vitamins. Selection suggestion: some businesses will add some bad or slightly rotten fruits when making such snacks. In order to cover up the truth, flavors and synthetic pigments will be added, so be careful when choosing products that are especially bright and smell strong. In addition, this kind of snacks with low nutritional value can be eaten once in a while. Do not eat a lot for a long time. It is recommended to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables at ordinary times, which is safe and healthy. Plum: high salt Recommendation Index: ★ Many people like to eat plum, but little do they know that the salt content of plum can be as high as about 159%, so we must control the amount. If you eat a bag every three or five times, your blood pressure will have a roller coaster effect, the blood vessel wall will be damaged, the elasticity will become worse, and cardiovascular disease will come to your door; High salt will worsen the skin and accelerate the loss of calcium, which will make people restless, irritable and angry, and affect sleep. Selection suggestion: like preserved fruits and preserves, all kinds of plum are not recommended to be snacks for long-term consumption. The intake should be controlled at 1-2 tablets each time. The elderly had better avoid eating them to avoid affecting cardiovascular system. Xiangnong Cookies: fat + sugar Recommendation Index: ★★ Dessert is one of the necessities of new year goods, such as cookies. Because of its strong cream flavor and crisp taste, people can't help eating five or six pieces. Sometimes they can't stop eating, so it becomes a dinner. However, the calories per 100 grams of cookies can be as high as more than 500 kcal, which is equivalent to the calories of five bowls of rice, and belongs to high sugar food. Selection suggestions: this kind of snacks is not recommended for children who are in the tooth change period and have a long body, which will affect the intake of dinner. People with high blood sugar should also avoid eating more, and it is appropriate to eat 2-3 pieces a day. You can choose milk biscuits, chocolate biscuits or high slimming biscuits, which can not only avoid high sugar and high energy intake, but also supplement certain calcium, cellulose, vitamins and minerals. Potato chips: fat + salt Recommendation Index: ★★ When watching TV or movies at home during the Chinese new year, people are always used to eating and watching with a bag of potato chips in their hands. When a film or an episode of TV series comes down, a large bag of potato chips will be wiped out unconsciously. It is self-evident that people get fat after the Festival. In addition, potato chips belong to high-temperature fried food, which will not only lose most vitamins, but also produce harmful substances such as acrylamide during frying. Potato chips also contain a lot of saturated fat and trans fatty acids. Selection suggestions: children, people who are easy to get angry and those who have a bad throat should not eat more, especially beautiful women and obese people. If you really want to eat, you can make it yourself in the home microwave oven. Methods: peel the potatoes and cut them into even thin slices. Soak them in clear water to remove some starch, which can reduce the heat; Drain the soaked potato chips, put them into a large bowl and sprinkle a little salt; Put the pickled potato chips into the microwave oven (do not overlap the potato chips), and heat them over high heat for 3 minutes; Take out the potato chips, turn them over and put them into the microwave again for 3 minutes. If they are not very crisp, they can be heated for another 1-2 minutes. Take them out and let them cool. Spicy Duck neck, duck wings, spicy dried beans: High Salt + high protein Recommendation Index: ★★ Three or five friends get together to play cards and drink is the regular entertainment of the new year, while duck neck, duck wings and spicy dried beans are the heavy taste snacks loved by many men. Especially in the cold winter, it feels great to drink small wine with spicy food. However, a closer look at the packaging composition table of this kind of snacks will find that the content of salt is quite high, which is usually in the second place because salt also plays an anti-corrosion role. Eating too much salt will not only reduce saliva secretion, but also sodium will inhibit the defense ability of epithelial cells in the mouth and throat. As a result, influenza virus will wait for the opportunity to sneak into the human body; If women eat these foods for a long time, their stomachs will be particularly painful when their big aunt comes, because eating too much salt will aggravate the premenstrual syndrome reaction. Selection suggestion: if you must eat spicy snacks, it is recommended to choose Deli to buy, which will be better than buying packaged foods and avoid excessive intake of food additives. It is recommended to eat only 2-3 at a time. When eating, you can drink some water to relieve the irritation of the mouth and dilute the salt intake. Men should avoid eating this kind of high salt food. If the daily intake is as high as 12 grams, it is likely to cause men to encounter sexual happiness crisis, which should be paid attention to. Nut kernel Nuts: high energy + high fat Recommendation Index: ★★★ Nuts are relatively healthy among many snacks. In addition to rich protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, they also contain vitamin E, a variety of B vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Many people want to be healthy and save the trouble of shelling, so they will buy Nuts directly. But as everyone knows, nuts baked, salted or covered with a layer of sugar sauce will bring hidden dangers to health. The fat content of nuts is high, coupled with the baking of vegetable oil, the fat content will become higher; Nuts are delicious and easy to overdose if you are not careful; Some merchants will also cover the original taste of the fruit with the help of heavy taste, and add some old goods or some moldy nuts. Selection suggestions: such snacks are not suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia or diabetes, and the normal population should not exceed their "one punch" every day. It is recommended to buy nut food with shell or original nut food. When selecting, don't buy those with particularly bright colors, those with particularly strong smell, and those with particularly greasy touch. When eating nuts, spit out the moldy ones immediately, because such nuts contain aflatoxin and have certain toxicity. If you don't pay attention to low-dose intake for a long time, it will increase the risk of liver cancer. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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