How to view the industrial trend, how to promote app governance, and how to alleviate the shortage of auto chips—— Relevant person in charge of the Ministry of industry and information technology responded to hot issues in the industrial communication ind


How about the operation of China's industrial economy in 2021 and the trend in 2022? How to promote app governance? How to alleviate the shortage of automobile chips? At the press conference of the State Information Office held on the 20th, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of industry and information technology responded to the hot topics of the industrial communication industry. Efforts should be made to overcome adverse effects and the industrial economy should continue to recover In the past year, the pressure on the operation of industrial economy was not small. The rise of commodity prices, the tension of international shipping and other multiple factors have affected market expectations to varying degrees and pushed up production costs. But at the same time, China has actively taken a series of policies and measures to stabilize industrial growth and strive to overcome the adverse effects. According to the data released at the meeting, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 9.6% year-on-year in 2021, with an average growth of 6.1% in two years. Among them, the added value of manufacturing industry increased by 9.8% year-on-year, with an average growth of 6.6% in the two years. "In the third quarter of 2021, affected by the superposition of some factors, the industrial growth rate showed a downward trend. However, with the effect of policy measures such as helping enterprises to bail out, ensuring energy supply and stabilizing prices, the growth rate picked up in the fourth quarter." Tian Yulong, chief engineer of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said that the recovery of industrial economic growth has provided important support for stabilizing macroeconomic growth and helping to achieve a good start in the 14th five year plan. It is worth mentioning that the industrial structure has been continuously optimized, and the toughness of the industrial chain and supply chain has been improved. The data show that in 2021, the added value of high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 18.2% year-on-year, and the output of emerging products such as industrial robots and integrated circuits increased by 44.9% and 33.3% year-on-year respectively. The scale of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises continues to grow. Luo Junjie, director of the operation monitoring and Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of industry and information technology, frankly said that affected by multiple factors, the industrial economy still faces great downward pressure in the first quarter of 2022. We should make a good "combination fist" and "series moves" for steady industrial growth and go all out to achieve a smooth succession in the first quarter. Luo Junjie said that we should give play to the key driving role of investment in stabilizing industrial growth, actively guide the expansion of consumer demand, do a good job in the protection and coordination of energy factors, focus on solving the shortage of chips in automobile and other fields, and accelerate the role of new kinetic engine. Continue to promote the special rectification of app and improve the whole chain supervision Zhao Zhiguo, director of the information and communication administration of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said that in the past year, the Ministry of industry and information technology focused on the illegal use of mobile phone permissions and the collection of personal information beyond the scope, vigorously promoted the special rectification of app, improved system standards, strengthened special governance, strengthened the combination of technology and management, and paid attention to the source governance. Zhao Zhiguo said that a total of 12 batches of technical sampling inspection were carried out in 2021, 1549 illegal apps were notified, and 514 apps refused to be rectified were removed from the shelves. The national app detection platform has the ability to detect 180000 apps per month, and the problems of "unable to close" and "random jump" of the pop-up information on the screen have been basically solved. In 2022, the Ministry of industry and information technology will improve the whole chain supervision, focus on the supervision of key responsibility chain, and achieve full supervision coverage for application stores, third-party software development kits, terminal enterprises and key Internet enterprises. Timely organize and carry out "looking back", strengthen coordination with relevant departments, form a joint regulatory force, and create a safer and cleaner app application environment. In addition, according to the data released at the meeting, China has built and opened 1.425 million 5g base stations. 2022 is a key year for the large-scale development of 5g applications, and the Ministry of industry and information technology will continue to improve 5g network coverage. Take multiple measures to improve the supply capacity of automotive chips Luo Junjie said that in the past year, the global IC manufacturing capacity continued to be tight, and the automotive industry was greatly impacted. Therefore, many domestic and foreign auto enterprises reduced production or stopped production for a short time. The Ministry of industry and information technology takes multiple measures to ensure chip supply and maintain the stable operation of the automotive industry. "With the gradual exertion of the market regulation mechanism and the joint efforts of governments at all levels, automobile enterprises and chip enterprises, the impact of 'core shortage' in the automobile field is gradually alleviated." Luo Junjie said, however, the stability of the global IC supply chain still faces severe challenges, and the chip supply will remain tight for a long time in the future. "In the next step, we will strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant countries and regions, encourage domestic and foreign backbone enterprises to increase investment, and promote the improvement of the supply capacity of the whole chip industry chain." Luo Junjie said that on the other hand, we should promote the free flow of factor resources, create a fair and just market environment, and promote the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Li Ling    Responsible editor:Chen Jie


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