Promote the steady and solid process of world economic recovery


We should act in accordance with the situation, act in accordance with the situation, and make concerted efforts to push the world economic ship through the wind and waves to a bright future of stable recovery and sustainable development. The more critical the moment is, the more it is necessary to climb high and look far and set the right course. *** At present, the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic is delayed repeatedly, and the stable recovery of the economy is achieved. The creation of a better world in the post epidemic era still needs to be guided by the light of the misty light. "We should explore new drivers of economic growth, new models of social life and new paths of personnel exchanges under the condition of normalized epidemic prevention and control, promote the facilitation of cross-border trade, ensure the safety and smoothness of industrial chain and supply chain, and promote the stability and implementation of the process of world economic recovery." *** The epidemic has had a serious impact on the world economy. Crises such as inflation, debt, energy and supply chain are intertwined. The process of world economic recovery presents obvious uncertainty and imbalance. The World Bank recently released the latest global economic outlook report, which lowered the global economic growth forecast for 2021 and 2022 by 0.2 percentage points. The UN's novel coronavirus pneumonia report 2022, the world economic situation and outlook, reported that the world economic recovery is facing great resistance due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the continuous labor shortage and supply chain disruption and rising inflation pressure. To promote the stable recovery of the world economy, we need to correctly grasp the "trend" and "governance" of economic globalization. "When the river rushes to the sea, it will always encounter a countercurrent, but no countercurrent can stop the river from going east. The driving force helps it move forward and the resistance makes it strong. Although there are many countercurrent and dangerous beaches, the direction of economic globalization has never changed and will not change." *** All countries in the world should adhere to true multilateralism, adhere to tearing down walls instead of building walls, opening up without isolation, integration without decoupling, and promote the construction of an open world economy. We should lead the reform of the global governance system with the concept of fairness and justice, maintain the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as the core, create an open, fair and non discriminatory environment for scientific and technological innovation, and promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced and win-win direction. Only when we plan according to the situation, move in response to the situation and act in accordance with the situation can the vitality of the world economy burst out fully. To promote the stable recovery of the world economy, we need to correctly grasp the dialectical relationship between macro and micro. In the context of globalization, economies are interdependent and their interests blend. The economic rebound in one or more countries is not a real global recovery. If the policies of major economies "slam the brakes" or "turn sharply", the resulting serious negative spillover effects will bring challenges to world economic and financial stability, and the majority of developing countries will bear the brunt. This is also one of the world economic risks that international institutions are most worried about. To push the world economy out of the crisis and achieve recovery, we must strengthen macro policy coordination. *** Major developed countries should adopt responsible economic policies, control the spillover effect of policies, and avoid serious impact on developing countries. International Economic and financial institutions should play a constructive role, pool international consensus, enhance policy coordination and prevent systemic risks. The opening day of the world economic forum video conference in 2022 coincides with China's release of last year's economic data. In 2021, China's GDP grew by 8.1%, and the overall economic development momentum was good, injecting important impetus into the stable recovery of the world economy. While promoting high-quality development, China will unswervingly expand high-level opening-up, share development Dividends with other countries and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. One belt, one road to one side, is expanding. The lively and prosperous story of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation will surely bring together a powerful driving force for the steady recovery of the world economy. China's market share will be further increased from the beginning of the year. History is created by brave people. To create a better world in the post epidemic era, all countries must show confidence, take action, and work together to push the world economic ship through the storm and towards a bright future of stable recovery and sustainable development. China will continue to boost the world economic recovery with high-quality development and high-level opening-up, so that the fruits of global development can better benefit the people of all countries. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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