Take care of your kidneys and lungs before saving your hair


The latest data show that more than 250 million people in China are suffering from hair loss, with an average of one in six people losing hair, and a large number of post-90s are also troubled by hair loss. What's wrong with our hair and how to save ourselves from hair loss? Traditional Chinese medicine tells you that there are two organs closely related to our hair. Our human body has about 100000 hair. With age, the number of hair will gradually decrease with the reduction of hair follicles. Generally, it is normal to lose 100 roots a day. If there is too much in a short time, there is a risk of hair loss. Our common hair loss includes androgenic hair loss, alopecia areata, telogen hair loss, etc. Androgenic alopecia, also known as seborrheic alopecia, is a characteristic alopecia under the action of androgen. In males, the hairline of the forehead moved backward or the hair on the top of the head decreased and became thinner; In women, the hair in the center of the scalp is reduced and thinner, and a few are diffuse. The hair is sparse, but the general hairline is not affected. Epidemiological investigation shows that androgenic alopecia has a genetic tendency. So how do we judge whether it is androgenic alopecia? Generally speaking, male patients not only observed the backward movement of hairline and sparse hair, but also the changes of hair diameter and length, usually with a family history of hair loss; Women should also consider pregnancy and childbirth history and endocrine history, such as abnormal menstruation, obesity, acne, etc. The focus of treatment is to prevent further development of hair loss. The etiology of alopecia areata is not completely clear. It is generally considered to be an autoimmune disease caused by genetic factors and environmental stimulating factors. It is mostly seen in the middle-aged people aged 30-40. At the beginning, it is one or several circular or oval hair loss areas with clear boundaries, and the local scalp is smooth without scales and inflammatory response. The treatment includes intralesional injection of glucocorticoid, topical minoxidil, local immunotherapy and systemic therapy. In addition, the occurrence of alopecia areata is related to mental factors, and attention should also be paid to psychotherapy. Telogen alopecia is mainly hair loss caused by hair follicle lesions, that is, a large number of hair loss over a period of time. It is generally divided into acute telogen alopecia, chronic diffuse telogen alopecia and chronic telogen alopecia. Our more common postpartum hair loss belongs to acute telogen hair loss. Unstable hormone levels during pregnancy, emotional instability or excessive mental pressure before and after delivery, and lack of trace elements can generally be relieved by themselves. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hair is related to the lung and kidney, "the lung governs the fur", external evil invades the lung, Lung Qi is weak, can not publicize Wei Qi, and semen is lost to the fur, the fur will be haggard and haggard; "The kidney stores essence, dominates the bone, generates marrow, and its beauty lies in the hair". The moistening and nourishing of hair comes from blood, so it is called "hair is more than blood". Essence and blood alternate, so the growth and fall off of hair and whether it is moistened are closely related to the rise and fall of kidney essence and Qi. TCM dermatology in the treatment of hair loss, according to clinical symptoms, signs and tongue and pulse, TCM syndrome differentiation, oral and external application of traditional Chinese medicine, combined with external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, is more effective. For example, acupuncture and moxibustion can be used for the treatment of alopecia areata, and plum blossom needle or seven star needle can be used to knock and stab on local or acupoints to unblock Qi and blood and promote hair growth; For patients with hair loss caused by kidney deficiency and blood deficiency, moxibustion can be used to strengthen and strengthen the yuan, so as to fill the kidney qi and smooth the Qi and blood, so as to help hair growth. In addition, ear point pressing pills and acupoint application can also further adjust the function of Zang Fu organs to prevent hair loss and fixation. In terms of daily maintenance, we should first pay attention to the daily moderate cleaning of hair, then adjust the lifestyle, work and rest time, don't stay up late, eat less greasy, spicy and stimulating food, and adhere to exercise. Thirdly, we should pay attention to self psychological regulation, alleviate mental pressure and avoid emotional stimulation. In addition, on weekdays, you can eat walnuts, mulberry, black sesame, black beans, medlar and other foods to nourish and stabilize your hair; Or tap the scalp with your fingers or comb to promote blood circulation. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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