Make great efforts to explore the practice of Sinicization of religion in Shandong


*** *** It has a strong political, ideological and theoretical nature. It is a programmatic document to guide religious work in the new era, pointing out the direction and providing fundamental guidance for doing well religious work in the new era. *** Strive to open up a new era of socialist modernization and build a strong province. As an eastern coastal province, Shandong has five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity. There are more than 5000 places for religious activities and nearly 5000 religious staff. It is one of the key provinces of religious work. It is of great responsibility and significance to do a good job in Shandong's religious work in the new era. In recent years, the ethnic and religious Commission of Shandong Province has made great efforts in the "seven efforts" to lead the healthy development of religion in Shandong, create a practical brand of religious Sinicization with Shandong taste, Shandong characteristics and Shandong style, promote the process of religious sinicization, and give full play to the positive role of religious circles and believers in the province in promoting economic and social development, Write a new chapter in the Sinicization of religion in Shandong. First, focus on strengthening political guidance. On the one hand, further strengthen the party's leadership over religious work. A religious work system of "five level secretaries grasping work" and "six responsibilities" has been established throughout the province to deepen the ideological understanding of leading cadres at all levels on religious work. Religious work departments at all levels consciously integrate into the great united front pattern of the new era and play an important magic weapon role of the United Front. On the other hand, we should further strengthen the positive guidance to religious circles and persevere in strengthening educational guidance. In 2021, around the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, Shandong ethnic and religious Commission actively guided the religious circles in the province to carry out a series of thematic education activities to cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs and walk with the party by visiting the red revolution education base; Hold a series of activities such as party history knowledge competition, special training, calligraphy and painting exhibition, poetry recitation meeting and special concert, turn the effectiveness of the education on the theme of "loving the party, patriotism and socialism" into practical actions to practice the Sinicization of religion, deeply understand the magnificent 100 year history and inspiring brilliant achievements of the Communist Party of China, firmly feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words Confidence and determination to follow the party. In the process of novel coronavirus pneumonia and the support of the Henan people in fighting the floods, the religious and religious masses in the province donated more than 5600 yuan. Second, focus on strengthening theoretical research. Integrate the provincial religious work system, religious circles, experts and scholars in universities and scientific research institutes in Shandong, and build a "1 + 5 + n" religious Sinicization research system. "1" is to give full play to the role of Shandong national and Religious Research Association and build a Shandong think tank for the theoretical research of religious sinicization; "5" is to rely on Provincial religious groups and set up five special committees for the study of the Sinicization of religion to carry out theoretical research; "N" is an expert and scholar in universities and scientific research institutes in Shandong, strengthening the discipline construction of Marxist religious teaching, supporting and promoting the religious community to strengthen the interpretation of various religious classics, which is in line with the requirements of contemporary China's development and progress and the excellent traditional culture of China. In September 2021, Shandong Provincial Commission for Nationalities and religions, together with Shandong University and other units, held a seminar on "Confucianism and Sinicization of religion" in Qingzhou to collect the latest achievements of Qilu excellent traditional culture infiltrating religion, and actively promote the transformation and application of achievements. In October, Shandong Academy of Social Sciences hosted an academic seminar on "Qilu culture and religious Sinicization" in Jinan, and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on giving full play to the advantages of Qilu cultural resources and promoting religious sinicization; The two churches of Shandong Province undertook the academic seminar on "interpretation of Christian Classics in China". Third, focus on the carrier of innovative practice. Give full play to the advantages of Shandong Province's profound excellent traditional culture and numerous red resources to create a "3 + 3" practice and innovation base and platform. That is, build a number of excellent traditional Chinese culture and education bases in religious circles, red culture education bases in religious circles and history education bases of religious sinicization; We will build a platform for interpreting and lecturing, a platform for cultural integration and a platform for public welfare and charity, and continue to make efforts in "guiding". Support religious groups to hold exchanges, seminars, calligraphy and painting exhibitions and other activities with a certain scale and influence on the Sinicization of religion, and constantly form a Chinese style and Shandong characteristics in promoting the Sinicization of religion. In 2021, "Shandong excellent traditional culture education practice base for religious circles" was inaugurated and established in Qufu City, Jining, becoming an effective carrier to condense the spirit of the times, enhance the "five identities" and promote religious harmony. Fourth, focus on improving the level of rule of law. Adhere to the thinking of rule of law and the way of rule of law to carry out religious work. We should make concerted efforts to improve the system of religious rule of law. Based on the reality of Shandong, the regulations on religious affairs of Shandong Province was newly revised to include "adhering to the direction of China's religion in China", which not only benchmarked the spirit of the Central Committee, but also added many original contents, filled the "blank" and "blind area", and was more executable and operable. On this basis, we have successively formulated a series of supporting systems and measures to improve the system of religious governance, so as to provide a solid legal and institutional guarantee for the legal governance of religious affairs. Gather efforts to improve the religious law enforcement mechanism. Strengthen the construction of law enforcement forces. All ethnic and religious departments in 16 cities and 136 counties (cities, districts) in the province have the qualification of law enforcement subjects, and there are more than 1000 law enforcement personnel. For three consecutive years, it has held training courses for ethnic and religious law enforcement personnel, carried out rotation training in law enforcement business, and continuously enhanced the level of administration according to law. We will innovate and carry out cross regional joint law enforcement of ethnic and religious law enforcement, sink township (street) pilot of religious law enforcement, and establish a joint law enforcement mechanism with public security, security, market supervision and other departments. We should vigorously promote the construction of intellectualization and information technology, establish a comprehensive service platform for religious affairs in Shandong, and explore a new mode of "Internet plus religion" management. Gather efforts to publicize religious law popularization. Strictly implement the responsibility system of "who enforces the law, who popularizes the law", organize and carry out activities such as large-scale publicity of ethnic and religious policies and regulations, online competition and answer of ethnic and religious knowledge, and strive to build an institutionalized, positional and three-dimensional law popularization platform around the brands such as the Provincial Ethnic and religious policies and regulations learning month. In the opening year of the eighth five year plan for law popularization in 2021, Shandong Provincial Commission for Nationalities and religions promoted the implementation of the "three actions" of consolidating the foundation, demonstration creation and wisdom display, widely carried out activities such as "sending law to the countryside", the construction of law popularization education base and the selection and broadcasting of micro videos for law popularization, held more than 2000 training courses and distributed more than 600000 sets of law popularization materials, It covers nearly one million people. At present, the province's ethnic and religious fields have formed a good situation of handling affairs according to law, finding ways to solve problems and solving problems. Fifth, efforts should be made to consolidate the grass-roots level. At the same time, we should pay attention to the construction of work network. We will continue to improve the three-level religious work network at the county, township and village levels and the rural two-level responsibility system. Each township (street) has designated a special person to be responsible for religious work, the village (community) has designated a liaison person for religious work, and the head of grass-roots party organizations is the first person responsible for religious work, so as to earnestly perform their duties of serving and guiding religious believers and troubleshooting and resolving hidden contradictions, Get through the "last mile" of religious affairs management. We will promote the integration of religious work into the grid service system of social governance and realize grid and fine management. Grid members in all townships (streets) and villages (communities) in 136 counties (cities and districts) in the province have become information and liaison officers for religious work, give full play to the advantages of grass-roots grid members' team of "coming from the masses, being close to the masses and being familiar with the masses", realize effective integration of resources and effective cohesion of work, make grid work play a practical role, and extend religious work to townships and villages Standard to point, landing and effective. Focus on information application. Shandong Provincial Commission for Nationalities and religions has recorded more than 410000 pieces of information about places of religious activities, places of folk belief, religious staff, religious groups and religious colleges in the province into the database of "Shandong comprehensive service platform for religious affairs", promoted the aggregation of big data in the religious field, and formed a complete religious database by speaking with data, making decisions with data, managing with data and innovating with data, Effectively link the interaction and mutual enjoyment among grid members at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and improve the work efficiency and quality. Sixth, efforts should be made to support the self construction of religious groups. Give more prominence to system construction. Guide religious groups to continuously improve and improve rules and regulations such as political learning, democratic deliberation and decision-making, and the management of religious staff, enhance the seriousness, pertinence and operability of the system, continuously improve the implementation of the system, and improve their ability to manage religious internal affairs and contact and serve religious believers. More emphasis should be placed on the management of religious places. Guide religious places to further improve the management systems of personnel, finance, safety, fire control, cultural relics protection, health and epidemic prevention, earnestly implement the prevention and reporting system of major accidents and events, and consciously accept the guidance, supervision and inspection of relevant departments. Give more prominence to the guidance of Sinicization. On the basis of a series of activities organized by religious circles in the province to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, 128 "100 lectures" activities were carried out around adhering to the direction of Sinicization of religion; We carried out an essay solicitation activity on the theme of religious sinicization, and collected and sorted out more than 190 preaching materials. Through the development of various activities, we will make inheriting and carrying forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture a conscious act of the religious community in the spring breeze and rain, moistening things silently, and form a broad consensus among religious people and religious believers to adhere to the direction of Sinicization of religion. Seventh, focus on strengthening team building. Give full play to the role of Party Schools (administrative colleges) at all levels as the main educational front of Socialist Colleges, hold training courses at different levels, strengthen the construction of "three teams" of religious work, and strengthen the education and training of Party and government leading cadres at all levels, ethnic and religious work cadres and religious circles. Shandong ethnic and religious Commission and relevant departments jointly held more than 10 sessions of training, including the special seminar for leaders in charge at the deputy department level of cities and the special seminar for ethnic and religious leaders of new County heads, with more than 1000 trainees. Incorporate religious policies and regulations into the learning contents of all Party branches in the province, and carry out interpretation of religious policies and regulations and religious business training for Party members and cadres. It has successively held rotation training courses for directors of civil religion, training courses for young and middle-aged cadres of religious work in the province, and training courses for ethnic and religious administrative law enforcement personnel; Actively organize cadres of the religious work system of Shandong Province to participate in the cadre training organized by the State Bureau of religious affairs. Organize religious activities

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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