American democracy is at its peak


The United States in December was full of contradictions. Not long ago, US President Joe Biden staged a false "democracy summit". Most of the countries participating in the conference have US troops stationed. Among them, many countries have arms transactions with the US government and use the US "aid" funds to buy weapons. All countries have a small share of the US military spending of about $800 billion. The sharp increase in US military spending stems from the US government's endless hype of the "China Threat Theory", which absurdly claims that China poses a military threat to its neighbors. These statements of the United States have not been confirmed and cannot be confirmed. Arms giants such as Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and general dynamics do not know how to deal with huge amounts of cash. Some non weapon suppliers are also at the top of the list of military contractors, such as medical and health service provider Humana and data analysis giant Analytics Services. The inclusion of information technology giants and medical service companies into the U.S. military industrial complex reflects that the military industrial complex has a more and more profound impact on the U.S. economy and society. Even Amazon, which is mainly engaged in consumer goods sales and online services, has a close relationship with the Pentagon. In fact, companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Oracle are competing for profitable Pentagon orders, such as "joint enterprise defense infrastructure". In the last few weeks of 2021, the U.S. government announced that the CIA would intensify espionage against China. So far, these actions have only provided a large amount of false information about China to the western media in order to aggravate the public's misunderstanding of China. Before turning the focus of intelligence espionage to China, the CIA had achieved major intelligence "success". Its claim that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction led the United States to launch a 10-year failed military operation. To this end, the United States paid $1 trillion and 1 million Iraqis died. Over the past six years, there have been deep political differences between right-wing extremists and moderate neoliberals. The deep division of the political ecology led to the paralysis of American democracy. The only two points of consensus between the two seem to be their constant support for military spending growth and tax cuts for the rich. Whenever social policies such as education expenditure, infrastructure reconstruction, poverty alleviation plan, public health resources, environmental protection and the protection of people's rights and interests are put on the agenda, the political class tied to the interests of the military industrial complex begins to shout about fiscal deficits or worry about inflation. On December 15, on the eve of the adjournment of the U.S. Congress, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, was asked by reporters whether members of Congress should be restricted from buying and selling stocks during their term of office. Pelosi clearly opposed the shareholding ban of members of Congress. "We are a free market economy and (members of Congress) should be able to participate.". Critics point out that allowing politicians to collect political contributions from the business community and the business community to profit from election campaigns or policies formulated by politicians is an institutional corruption in American politics. This is a standard vicious circle: claiming that China is our threat, collecting political contributions from military industrial groups, voting for increasing the Pentagon budget, setting up new institutions to create all kinds of rumors of "China Threat Theory" and provide them to the media. Large American companies grab benefits from the riddled public finance. This is the peak of American democracy. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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