

On January 4, a comprehensive support base of the navy in the southern theater organized a Shore Beach non wharf oil supply training, and officers and men drove small boats to lay oil pipes. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Han Qizhou) *** *** *** We should accurately grasp the changes in the situation of national security and military struggle, pay close attention to the changes in science and technology, war and opponents, vigorously promote the coupling of war and training, vigorously promote systematic military training, vigorously promote scientific and technological military training, comprehensively promote the transformation and upgrading of military training, and train elite troops who can fight and be good at fighting. Officers and soldiers of the Dongji outpost of a frontier brigade of the northern theater army stationed on Heixiazi Island, Fuyuan City, Heilongjiang Province, the easternmost tip of China's land, moved at the order and launched a 24-hour cross day and night continuous field training. The officers and men braved the extreme cold and strong wind, armed for more than 20 kilometers, slept in the snow cave at night, and honed their ability to carry out tasks under severe cold conditions. Fang Liwei, commander of the company where the post is located, said that we must bear in mind the sincere instructions of the commander-in-chief, focus on the mission and task of stabilizing and controlling the border, practice strong command ability, practice good combat skills, practice hard combat style, and resolutely guard the east gate of the motherland. On January 4, the Dongji post of a border brigade of the army in the northern theater organized an armed attack for 20 kilometers, and officers and soldiers camped in the field in the snow cave. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Gao Xianghao) "An 'enemy' surface ship is found in the sea area ahead!" Accompanied by the harsh alarm, officers and men of Tangshan warship of a destroyer detachment of the navy of the northern theater, who are performing tasks at sea, heard the order and rushed to the battle position for training in more than 10 subjects, such as comprehensive attack and defense, target identification, sea area control and maritime reconnaissance and evidence collection. Captain Mo Lin said, "the more difficult it is to go to risk in peacetime training, the more we can forge the ability to win. We can only defeat the enemy with one move and seal our throat with one sword in wartime if we base ourselves on our own posts, refine our weapons and skills, truly practice our weapons to the extreme, and practice simple moves into unique moves!" "Timed takeoff!" At the command of the tower, several war Eagles took off in the mist. A brigade of the air force aviation corps of the southern theater organized mixed training of new and old soldiers under low weather conditions in the new year's "first flight" training, and set up a clear guidance for the coupling of war and training. Ding Chao, commander of the first flight brigade, said: "we must resolutely implement the chairman's instructions, keep an eye on the strong enemy, keep an eye on the war needs, practice our skills and style, and comprehensively improve our ability to win in practical training." On January 4, a brigade of the air force aviation corps of the southern theater organized the new year's training, and the pilots took off with their fighters. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Liu Wennan) In the severe cold weather of minus 20 degrees Celsius, a brigade of the rocket army organized an unannounced fire assault drill, which tested the physical fitness, combat style and weapon performance of officers and soldiers in an all-round way. "The 'first shot' of our training in the confrontational practice is to guide the troops and officers and men to thoroughly understand the combat tasks, thoroughly study the combat opponents and thoroughly analyze the combat environment, so as to strengthen their combat ability in one move." Deputy brigade commander Wang Hongwei said. Whether war is OK or not depends on the commander first. The head office of the fifth detachment on duty of the Armed Police Corps took the officers and soldiers of the mobile brigade to the depths of Tianshan Mountain to conduct live fire assessment and kick off the new year's training. By means of guiding and dispatching on the spot and according to the requirements of setting difficult conditions and setting risks for the situation, the staff headquarters randomly guided and transferred the situation along the way to carry out confrontation drills, forcing organ cadres and commanders at all levels to find problems, make up for shortcomings and enhance their skills in the confrontation drills. The slogan of a barracks of the strategic support force is shocking, and the prelude to the new year's practical "training week" has been opened. The Party committee's special discussion and training, communication, learning and mobilization, actual combat task preparation, live firing of light weapons, etc. are tense and orderly activities, laying a solid foundation for the mobilization and practical training of a certain type of equipment in the near future. On January 4, 910 Hospital of Wuxi joint service support center pulled the field medical team to a mountainous area in Southern Fujian to carry out practical medical service training in unfamiliar areas. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ba Tao) Under severe cold conditions, a drill code named "mingdysprosium" was officially launched in a certain place in North China. The combat personnel of a brigade of the ground to air missile corps of the air force of the central theater organized and carried out non war military action drills in the form of basic combat readiness training. The Standing Committee of the brigade Party committee was incorporated into the squad and took the lead, and the subjects such as satellite overhead reconnaissance and passing through contaminated areas were staged in turn. "As an air and space defense force, we should keep close to combat tasks, combat opponents and combat environment, constantly improve the whole area mobile combat capability of the troops, and always guard the air and space security of the motherland." Chen Minghua, political commissar of the brigade, said. Wang Bin, deputy military commander of Uvira detachment of the 25th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineers to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, combined with his own experience of two peacekeeping missions, Interpret the profound significance of the instruction for the officers and soldiers of the detachment: *** On January 4, a land aviation brigade of the 81st group army of the army organized the new year training, and the special combat personnel landed and went into battle. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yongjin On its first training flight, a land aviation brigade of the 73rd group army went to a strange sea area in Southern Fujian to carry out ultra-low altitude penetration training at sea under the background of actual combat. A regiment of Naval Aviation University organized flight cadets to join the simulated special situation drill in the cockpit practice training to test the coordination ability between commanders and pilots. Chengde army carried out mass military training and competition in different districts, and more than 200 officers and soldiers in active service, civilian personnel, military ministers and backbone militia engaged in fierce competition. A unit of the joint logistics support unit made a real-life review of a series of problems in the assessment of the formed company years ago, laying a solid foundation for the start of training in the new year. The Qinhuangdao detachment of the armed police found out the basic number of military training for officers and soldiers by carrying out on-the-job training and competition activities, and found out the starting point of training in the new year From the coast of the East China Sea to the western desert, from coconut island in the south to the border of the north, the officers and men of the whole army are training and preparing for war with high morale. The vast number of officers and men said that they should carry forward the fighting spirit of "one is not afraid of hardship and two is not afraid of death", train assiduously, scientifically and safely, strengthen their command ability, improve their fighting skills and hard fighting style, and greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the party with high spiritual outlook and first-class military training results. (participated in gathering and writing: Zhang Mimi, Liu Xiaohong, Li Yun, Liu Jimei, Li Bingfeng, Liu Xin, Mei Shixiong, Yu Xiaoquan, Lu Dongfang, Li Bingxuan) On January 4, officers and soldiers of a meteorological unit of the rocket army conducted an emergency meteorological support drill under full protection at the training ground. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Zhao Jilei) On January 4, officers and soldiers of a border defense regiment of the Ali army sub district stationed on the Ali plateau in Tibet held a tactical contest in the snow. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Liu Xiaodong) On January 4, a helicopter formation of a land aviation brigade of the Tibet Military Region took off at a training ground with an altitude of more than 3600 meters. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Wu Guolong) On January 4, the PLA Macao Garrison held a new annual training, and officers and soldiers conducted assassination training. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ye Huamin) On January 4, the special combat team members of the fourth detachment on duty of the Beijing Armed Police Corps carried out bus anti hijacking training. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Jiang Runmiao) On January 4, the mobile detachment of the Chongqing Armed Police Corps carried out a comprehensive emergency rescue drill, and the officers and soldiers of the chemical prevention unit killed the "poisoned" area. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Wang Zhen) On January 4, Hezhou detachment of Guangxi Armed Police Corps organized special combat personnel to carry out a combat drill of capture and annihilation in mountains and forests. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Zhang Bihai) On January 4, the mobile detachment of the Jiangxi Armed Police Corps organized professional rescue training. Officers and soldiers of the engineering squadron were cutting the cement wall. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Cao Xianxun) On January 5, officers and men of Beihai detachment of Guangxi Armed Police Corps carried out anti-terrorism drills in residential areas. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Yu Haiyang) On January 4, the communication unit of a brigade of the rocket army went to the ice and snow field to carry out real equipment operation training. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Chen Hao) On January 4, officers and soldiers of a brigade of the 72nd group army of the army drove a wheeled assault vehicle for live fire. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Zhang Mao) On January 4, a brigade of the air force aviation corps of the eastern theater organized the new year's training, and the fighter plane slipped out and was ready to take off. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Fu GaN) On January 4, a brigade of the air force aviation corps of the northern theater organized live fire target training. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Luo Rong) On January 4, a double aircraft formation of "Flying Leopard" fighters of a naval aviation brigade in the northern theater took off. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by LAN ZeJian) On January 4, Sanya detachment of Hainan Armed Police Corps organized special combat personnel to carry out jungle capture and annihilation combat drill. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Zhou Yi) (outlook new era)

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