vow! For a better future for Hong Kong


"I sincerely and truthfully declare and confirm that as a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the people's Republic of China, I will support the basic law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the people's Republic of China, be loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the people's Republic of China, faithfully perform my duties, abide by the law, be honest and serve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region." On the morning of March 3, 90 newly elected members of the seventh Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) took an oath in the conference hall of the Legislative Council complex of the HKSAR. The chief executive of the HKSAR, Carrie Lam, took a solemn oath of loving the country and Hong Kong one by one in front of the national emblem for the first time. With the swearing in of members of Parliament, Hong Kong's development has entered a new stage. The new Legislative Council, which scrupulously abides by its commitments and performs its duties, will, in accordance with the functions and powers stipulated in the Hong Kong Basic Law, resolutely safeguard the executive led system, support and supervise the administration of the SAR government according to law, focus on the economy and people's livelihood, serve the general public, and make positive contributions to safeguarding the overall and long-term interests of Hong Kong. Hong Kong society is full of confidence in this. At the foot of lion mountain and on the Bank of Xiangjiang River, the grand picture of good governance is slowly unfolding. National emblem solemn oath clank The Legislative Council complex is located at 1 Legislative Council road, central. On the morning of the 3rd, this building, which adopts the traditional Chinese concept of "round sky and place", is more solemn and sacred in the sun. Above the presidency of the conference hall, the national emblem is hung high, and the national flag and regional flag are standing on both sides. In accordance with the national flag and national emblem (Amendment) Ordinance passed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2021, the national emblem shall be displayed at the venue where members of the Legislative Council swear. Members of the current legislative council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will take an oath under the national emblem for the first time. "This reflects the legal status of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as a local administrative region of the people's Republic of China under" one country, two systems "and reflects the implementation of the principle of" patriots governing Hong Kong "in the legislature." A spokesman for the Hong Kong Liaison Office said. More than half an hour before the swearing in ceremony, many members have arrived in the chamber one after another with a solemn look. At about 11 o'clock, the chief executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, walked into the chamber. Then, together with the members of the house of Representatives, she stood in silence facing the national flag and the regional flag and sang the national anthem. Then, members of Parliament went to the oath platform one by one and made a sacred oath to Lin Zheng Yuee. The oath is legally binding. If the deponent makes a false oath or commits an act in violation of the oath after taking the oath, he shall bear legal responsibility according to law. According to the public service (election and appointment) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2021, the chief executive or his authorized person is the Commissioner of oaths sworn by members of the Legislative Council. The chief executive of the HKSAR administers oaths for members of the seventh Legislative Council, which is also the first time that the chief executive of the HKSAR acts as an oath supervisor of the Legislative Council. It marks the further establishment and improvement of the oath of allegiance system for public officials in the HKSAR and reflects the due meaning of the administrative leading system established in the basic law of Hong Kong. At about 12:00, after all the members had sworn in, all the members came to the lobby to take a group photo and meet with the media. "The composition of the new Legislative Council has established a new order of" patriots ruling Hong Kong ", which has enabled Hong Kong to embark on a new stage from chaos to rule, from rule to prosperity, so that members of the Legislative Council can be ready to go on the right track." Liang Junyan, President of the sixth Legislative Council and a member of the current re-election, said. Good governance: from governance to prosperity From the enactment and implementation of Hong Kong's national security law to the improvement of Hong Kong's electoral system, to today's swearing in of members of the new patriotic and loving Hong Kong Legislative Council, Hong Kong's good governance and good governance have been renovated, and Hong Kong's society has moved rapidly from chaos to governance, from governance to prosperity. "The Legislative Council has entered a new era!" Mai Meijuan, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Federation of trade unions, said she had been looking forward to taking the oath for a long time. A few days ago, she also participated in the oath rehearsal of the Legislative Council Secretariat. She said that as members of Parliament in the new situation, the burden is on their shoulders and there is a long way to go. Members should have higher requirements for themselves. She will continue to strengthen contacts with the public so that all sectors of society can share the achievements of Hong Kong's economic development and create a sense of happiness. "I hope that after four years of tenure, she can live up to history, mission and people". "Today is a landmark day for patriots." New Legislative Council member Guan Haoming expressed his gratitude to the general public of Hong Kong and the election committee for giving him the opportunity to serve Hong Kong. It is a feature of the seventh Legislative Council that many "plain people and newcomers" serve as members. Both "veteran" and "newcomer" have the same goal in participating in the Legislative Council, that is, to serve Hong Kong. He will also resign from the church and focus more on the work of the Legislative Council. "This year marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. As long as everyone works with one heart and one mind, adheres to the original intention of 'one country, two systems' and works together, Hong Kong will reach another peak." After taking the oath, the honourable Miss Emily Lee, chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong, said that the Legislative Council had finally returned to the right track! I am very grateful to the central government for its assistance at the most difficult time in Hong Kong to promote Hong Kong's national security law and improve Hong Kong's electoral system, so that Hong Kong can implement the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong". She will work with all sectors of society to improve governance and bring more people's voices into the Legislative Council and the executive. Eager and confident According to the agenda, the seventh Legislative Council will elect a new president on January 10. On January 12, the seventh Legislative Council will hold its first meeting. Many members are ready to implement the policy agenda of the election and honor the solemn oath of the oath. The community is also full of confidence in the new Legislative Council. At the launching ceremony of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Hong Kong Democratic Alliance for betterment of Hong Kong held on New Year's day, the newly elected members of the Democratic Alliance for betterment of Hong Kong issued a declaration, vowed to be a firm patriot, a defender of "one country, two systems", a builder of good governance and a promoter of social change, and formulated detailed future key work, including performing their duties in the Legislative Council, putting forward practical policy initiatives Do a good job in national security and social stability, strengthen talent training, etc. The 90 candidates for the seventh Legislative Council stand out from 153 candidates. Their composition is diverse, balanced and professional, and widely represent the aspirations and interests of all sectors of society. The general public believes that members of Parliament will demonstrate the strong vitality of the democratic system with Hong Kong characteristics under "one country, two systems", promote Hong Kong's social development and progress, and safeguard Hong Kong's overall long-term interests and the fundamental well-being of its citizens. "Members of Parliament solemnly swear that they have once again given us' reassurance '." Chen Xinjun, a Hong Kong citizen, said that for a long time before, there had been frequent chaos in the Legislative Council, and Hong Kong had lost many development opportunities. In this election, the "gentleman's dispute" among the candidates has made the neighbors full of confidence and expectations for the relationship between the executive and Legislature under the new electoral system. I believe that the new term of parliamentarians will work with the SAR government and all sectors of society to solve the outstanding economic and livelihood problems in Hong Kong and create a better tomorrow for Hong Kong. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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