The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China printed and distributed the notice on doing a good job in rectifying discipline during the new year's day and Spring Festival in 2022


Recently, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the notice on doing a good job in rectifying discipline during the new year's day and Spring Festival in 2022. The full text is as follows. Recently, the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council issued the notice on doing a good job during the new year's day and Spring Festival in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the notice). In order to implement the spirit of the notice, continue to promote positive wind and discipline, and create a clean and positive festival atmosphere, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows. 1、 Strengthen political supervision and consolidate the main responsibility. 2022 is an important year for China to embark on the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and marching towards the second Centennial goal. It will usher in the victory of the 20th National Congress of the party. Doing a good job in rectifying the wind and discipline during the new year's day and spring Festival is of great significance for deeply implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and ensuring the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should earnestly enhance their political consciousness to defend the "two establishment" and practice the "two maintenance", give full play to their role in supervising, ensuring implementation and promoting improvement and development, urge Party organizations at all levels and their "top leaders" to implement their main responsibilities, and put all tasks deployed in the notice, especially the requirements for rectification and discipline elimination, on an important agenda, Take the "node" as the "test point", shoulder the political responsibility of grasping style and discipline, focus on the "key minority", and pay attention to the implementation at all levels. We should pay close attention to the implementation of the decision-making and deployment in the notice on doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, caring for people in difficulty, ensuring supply and stable prices in the market, enriching cultural life, people's safe travel, doing a good job in safe production and maintaining social stability, as well as the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games, carry out supervision, and resolutely correct ideological slack, failure to implement responsibilities, and promote work in a formal manner "One size fits all" and other issues to ensure that the Party Central Committee's decrees are unimpeded and various measures are implemented and effective. 2、 Focus on key issues and strictly enforce discipline and law. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should deeply understand the internal relationship between work style and corruption, adhere to the principle of rectifying work style, eliminating discipline and combating corruption, continue to make efforts in strict discipline and rules, strengthen the education, management and supervision of Party members and cadres, pay close attention to emerging, tendentious and potential problems, and warn and stop them through heart-to-heart talks, interview reminders, criticism and education, We will resolutely and severely punish those who violate discipline against the wind, refuse to change despite repeated education and commit serious crimes, continue to release the strong signal of being strict in all respects and being strict to the end, and consolidate and strengthen the dykes and dams specified in the eight items of the central government. We should pay close attention to the problems prone to occur during the holidays listed in the notice, such as illegal eating and drinking, illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and gifts, illegal use of buses, public tourism, illegal payment of allowances, subsidies or welfare, extravagance and all kinds of invisible variation, formalism and bureaucracy that increase the burden on the grass-roots at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, canvassing, bribery, lobbying and greeting Violations of discipline and law such as sabotage of elections, strict investigation and quick handling of problems found, and timely notification. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of "urgent difficulties and expectations" of the masses, focusing on epidemic prevention and control, production safety, disaster monitoring and early warning, emergency response, people's livelihood security, government services and other aspects, to find and correct corruption and unhealthy tendencies that ignore infringing on the interests of the masses, such as inaction and disorderly behavior. We should make an overall plan to carry out open and secret visits and special supervision and inspection. With the help of scientific and technological means such as big data and informatization, we should deeply study and analyze information integration and data sharing, accurately find problems and enhance work effectiveness. Focusing on the discovery, disposal and rectification of the "four ethos" and corruption problems in festivals, we should strengthen the leadership and guidance of the higher Discipline Inspection Commission to the lower Discipline Inspection Commission, strengthen the overall connection of discipline supervision, supervision, stationed supervision and patrol supervision, and strengthen the information communication, clue transfer and measure cooperation with administrative, judicial, audit, finance, the masses and other supervision subjects Share achievements and work together to form an overall resultant force of up-down connection, left-right linkage and internal and external interaction. 3、 Adhere to both governance and tree building, and carry forward new trends and healthy trends. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should adhere to the integrated promotion of "three noes", organically combine strict education, strict management, strict supervision and severe punishment, carry out "looking back" on the implementation of the spirit of the eight point provisions of the Central Committee and supporting systems, investigate and deal with problems while improving the system, connect investigation, rectification and governance, and punish, supervise Education is integrated to realize the comprehensive effect of investigating and dealing with one case, warning one area and governing one area. We should accurately grasp the key points, carry out accurate supervision, accurate treatment and disposal, deepen the use of "four forms" and constantly improve the level of accurate discipline enforcement. We should focus on learning the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, consolidate the achievements of party history learning and education, educate and urge the majority of Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to build their original mission, take the lead in carrying forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, consciously oppose the idea and phenomenon of privilege, strictly tutor the family style, and strictly practice diligence and thrift, Drive the social style and people's style with good party and government style, and continue to improve. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirements of the notice, carefully organize visits, condolences, assistance and other activities to effectively solve the actual difficulties of cadres and the masses. Conscientiously implement the post responsibility system, strengthen the safety and confidentiality inspection during the festival, strictly implement the on duty and out reporting system, strengthen the epidemic prevention and control of detention places, improve the emergency plan, make emergency preparations, ask for instructions and report at the first time in case of important emergencies, and handle them steadily to ensure the normal operation of all work. The majority of discipline inspection and supervision cadres should continue to strengthen ideological refining, political experience, practical training and professional training, consciously accept the strictest constraints and supervision, and strive to be a benchmark for observing discipline and law. Hotline: 12388; Reporting website:。 For the "four winds" problem, we can also use the mobile phone client of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the WeChat official account. (outlook new era)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang er dong

Source:Website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC Central Committee

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