Splitting the world under the pretext of "democracy" is doomed to failure


The United States embezzled the banner of democracy to serve its own interests, tore off the mask of the United States "democracy defender", and showed the true face of the United States "democracy Destroyer". A few days ago, the so-called "leading the people summit" held by the United States under the cloak of "democracy" finally came to a dismal end amid criticism. International public opinion points out that the so-called "democracy summit" is extremely hypocritical and more like a performance show of American politicians. The practice of the United States just shows that it is itself that is the greatest threat to democracy. The hegemonic act of the United States to suppress other countries and split the world through the so-called "democratic summit" is doomed to failure. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the end of the cold war, but the so-called "democratic summit" held by the United States shows a strong cold war mentality. By drawing a line according to its own standards, the United States has classified half of the world's countries and regions into the "democratic camp" and the other half into the ranks of "non democratic countries", reflecting a dangerous attempt to push the world back into the cold war pattern. The international community has seen this very clearly. Pakistan's "international news" pointed out that the so-called "democratic summit" violates the true democratic spirit from the structure to the agenda. Thai Deputy Prime Minister and foreign minister Dun said that the summit was purely for political purposes and was a political manipulation. Kortunov, director general of the International Affairs Committee, a well-known Russian think tank, said: "the summit is trying to turn the colorful modern world into a black-and-white world." Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other Middle East media commented that the so-called "democracy summit" is a tool for the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and safeguard American hegemony. The privatization, instrumentalization and weaponization of democracy by the United States is a betrayal and trampling on the spirit and value of democracy. In the final analysis, whether a country is democratic or not should be judged by the people of the country, not by a few people outside. No democratic system in the world is perfect, and there is no political system model applicable to all countries. The establishment of democratic systems and the development of democratic processes in all countries have their historical and national characteristics and have their own unique values. The United States tries to monopolize the definition of democracy with its own standards, ignores the great differences in culture, history and civilization of different countries, and calls itself an "International Democratic judge", which itself is the greatest undemocratic. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that the United States promotes American democracy through the so-called "democracy summit" and refuses international cooperation with true democracy, which is a disregard for the principle of sovereign equality of states in the UN Charter. For a long time, in order to engage in "democratic export", the United States has not hesitate to interfere in other countries' internal affairs and launch war. However, instead of bringing democracy to other countries, such hegemonic acts have created a large number of humanitarian disasters. The United States has long infiltrated and subverted sovereign states through government agencies such as the international development agency and so-called "non-governmental organizations such as the" National Democracy Foundation "to provoke the" Color Revolution "; Indiscriminate unilateral sanctions in the name of promoting democracy and military intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries have resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths, millions of injuries and tens of millions of displacement. The disasters created by the United States in the name of "democracy" are numerous, and the real purpose and practical harm of the United States "democratic export" are becoming increasingly prominent. In the Arab countries suffering from the "democratic export" of the United States, the public opinion survey results show that 58% of the respondents hold a negative attitude towards the U.S. foreign policy, and 81% of the respondents believe that the United States is the main threat to the security of Arab countries. Democracy is the common value of all mankind. The United States embezzled the banner of democracy to serve its own interests, tore off the mask of the United States "democracy defender", and showed the true face of the United States "democracy Destroyer". If the United States sincerely defends democracy, it should work with other countries to promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, abide by the basic norms of international relations based on the Charter of the United Nations, jointly promote the democratization and rule of law of international relations, jointly meet various global challenges and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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