Foreign Ministry: the United States should face up to and solve its own serious problem of forced labor


Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on the 6th that the United States should immediately stop fabricating rumors and lies to attack, discredit, suppress and contain other countries, and earnestly face up to and solve its own serious problems of forced labor and human trafficking. At the regular press conference on the same day, a reporter asked: on the 3rd, senior US government officials said at the briefing on the "new national action plan against human trafficking" that the United States is preventing products involving "forced labor" from entering the US market. In the past year, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Bureau issued seven temporary detention orders for "forced labor" goods exported to the United States, including those for silicon-based products in Xinjiang. A total of goods with a total value of about $485 million were detained and confiscated, with a significant increase in quantity and value compared with the previous year. What is China's comment on this? Zhao Lijian said that China has repeatedly stressed that there is no "forced labor" in Xinjiang, only voluntary employment and independent employment. Some anti china forces in the United States maliciously hype the rumors and lies of "forced labor" in Xinjiang, illegally detain Xinjiang products and impose sanctions on Xinjiang on this ground. This is a naked act of banditry. Their purpose is to disrupt Xinjiang and curb China's development. He said that the US side's despicable practice of engaging in political manipulation, interfering in other countries' internal affairs and undermining the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain under the guise of human rights has long been pierced by the truth, seen through by the world, and can only end in failure. By doing so, the United States has not only harmed the industrial development and employment of industrial workers in Xinjiang, but also harmed the interests of consumers in all countries, including the United States. It is a typical act of "harming others but not self-interest". Zhao Lijian said that in fact, the hat of "forced labor" is most suitable for the United States to wear by itself. So far, there are about 500000 child workers engaged in agricultural work in the United States, and 240000 to 325000 women and children have been sexually enslaved. He said that when it comes to human trafficking, the United States is even more infamous. In the past five years, as many as 100000 people have been trafficked to the United States for forced labor every year; Half of them were sold to "sweatshops" or subjected to domestic slavery. In 2019, the United States reported more than 11500 cases of human trafficking, more than double that in 2015. Why doesn't the US side pay attention to its own problems in its so-called "new national action plan against human trafficking"? "The United States should immediately stop fabricating rumors and lies to attack, discredit, suppress and contain other countries, and earnestly face up to and solve its own serious problems of forced labor and human trafficking," Zhao Lijian said. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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