Xia Baolong: learn from history and write a new chapter in Hong Kong's democracy


Learn from history and write a new chapter in Hong Kong's democracy —— Video speech at the publication ceremony of Hong Kong's participation in national reform and opening up and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao (December 6, 2021) Xia Baolong Mrs Carrie Lam, chief executive, Dear friends from Hong Kong, Ladies and gentlemen Good afternoon, everyone. It's my pleasure to attend today's event by video. First of all, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the publication of the second volume of the annals of Hong Kong, the annals of Hong Kong's participation in national reform and opening up, and the signing of the memorandum of cooperation on the annals of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao! *** Since then, in the cultural treasure house of Chinese national local chronicles, there has been a local chronicle named after Hong Kong. It not only records the vicissitudes of Hong Kong's history, but also has the function of learning from the past, knowing the present and educating people. It helps people understand where Hong Kong comes from, what roads it has taken and where it will go, so as to further enhance the patriotism, national pride and self-confidence of Hong Kong compatriots, Create a brighter future for Hong Kong in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Opening the annals of Hong Kong, we can see that Hong Kong has been China's sacred territory since ancient times and an organic part of the long and splendid Chinese civilization. As early as ancient times, Chinese ancestors had already multiplied in Hong Kong. Since the establishment of the three Lingnan counties in the Qin Dynasty, Hong Kong has been under the jurisdiction of the central government. Chinese culture has a long history in Hong Kong and has deep roots. It is continuously inherited and developed through characters, customs, operas, architecture and so on. Over the course of more than 5000 years of history, Hong Kong has always been nurtured by Chinese culture. Opening the annals of Hong Kong, we can see that 180 years ago, Hong Kong was forced to separate from the motherland, and Hong Kong compatriots waged an indomitable struggle for national salvation and national reunification. After the outbreak of the Opium War, Hong Kong was forcibly occupied by British colonists. Since then, China has gradually become a semi colonial and semi feudal society, humiliating the country, suffering the people and dusting civilization. But the Chinese people never gave in. Whether it was the bloody resistance of the villagers in the "New Territories" at the beginning of the occupation or their participation in the magnificent struggle during the revolution of 1911, the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation, Hong Kong compatriots fought side by side with the people of the motherland, one after another, and many heroic deeds emerged. Opening the annals of Hong Kong, we can see that since the founding of new China, Hong Kong compatriots have always been in the same boat and hand in hand with the motherland to jointly create one development miracle after another. The founding of the people's Republic of China has declared that the era of the Chinese nation being slaughtered and bullied by others is gone forever, and Hong Kong has the strongest backing ever since. In the 1960s, in order to solve the serious water shortage and basic living material problems of Hong Kong compatriots, the central government resolutely invested in the construction of Dongjiang water supply project and opened the "three express trains" under the extremely difficult situation in the mainland. The vast number of Hong Kong compatriots care about the motherland, especially since the country's reform and opening up, have actively invested and started businesses in the mainland of the motherland, created many "national first", and made irreplaceable important contributions to national development. When we open the annals of Hong Kong, we can see that the wanderers of a century have finally returned to the embrace of the motherland. Hong Kong under "one country, two systems" has embarked on a broad road of common development and never separation with the motherland. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to the motherland, washing away the century old humiliation of the Chinese nation. On both sides of the Xiangjiang River, waves rush and flow; Red flags flutter at the foot of lion mountain. Since then, the fate of Hong Kong has been in the hands of Hong Kong compatriots who are masters of their own affairs. Despite the repeated impact of the international financial crisis, the outbreak of SARS, the new crown and other disasters, and all kinds of Anti China forces, Hong Kong can always overcome challenges, avert danger and maintain prosperity and stability. A large number of facts have eloquently proved that the practice of "one country, two systems" has achieved universally recognized success. Looking back on the history of Hong Kong, we have a deep feeling that no matter what disasters and setbacks Hong Kong has experienced, Hong Kong compatriots are connected with the people of the motherland, and Hong Kong is inseparable from the motherland. Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition. In the process of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the belief of patriotism and love for Hong Kong has been firmly established. Today, when the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has long been incorporated into the national governance system, and in the process of deepening the practice of "one country, two systems", we should hold high the banner of patriotism and love for Hong Kong. In particular, the major turning point from chaos to governance in Hong Kong in the past two years has fully proved that to ensure the stable and long-term implementation of "one country, two systems", we must always adhere to the fundamental principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong". Only by truly implementing the "Patriot governing Hong Kong", can Hong Kong achieve long-term prosperity, stability and long-term stability, and can Hong Kong compatriots realize their yearning and pursuit for a better life and make due contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the two symposiums held by the national Hong Kong and Macao Research Association on February 22 and July 16 this year, I have systematically talked about the connotation, standards and requirements of "patriots governing Hong Kong". Today we talk about this problem again, and there have been many new changes in the space-time environment. We are pleased to see that the national security law of Hong Kong has been successfully implemented, and some anti China elements who violate the law and disturb Hong Kong are receiving due sanctions; The new election system is being implemented step by step, and a new election committee reflecting the requirements of the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong" has been successfully born. On December 19, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will hold the election of the seventh Legislative Council in accordance with the new electoral system amended by the basic law, which is of great significance for implementing the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong", developing democracy in line with Hong Kong's reality and shaping a new pattern of good governance and good governance in Hong Kong. Here, I would like to make some more comments. First of all, it is emphasized that the participation of "patriots governing Hong Kong" is very wide and the stage is very large. When we talk about "patriots governing Hong Kong", we do not mean to engage in "uniformity". What we emphasize is that "Hong Kong Independence" elements and Anti China elements who disrupt Hong Kong must not enter the governance structure of the Special Administrative Region. In addition, on the premise of supporting the principle of "one country, two systems", being loyal to the people's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and abiding by the constitution, the basic law and the national security law of Hong Kong, as long as we are good at comprehensively and accurately implementing the principle of "one country, two systems" in the practice of governing Hong Kong, are good at solving various contradictions and problems faced by Hong Kong's development, and are good at doing practical things for the people Those who are good at uniting forces from all sides and performing their duties can become Hong Kong rulers. In other words, "patriots governing Hong Kong" is "colorful" and diverse. This diversity is reflected in the diversity of identities. No matter what class, sector, occupation or ethnicity, they have the opportunity to participate; This diversity is reflected in the diversity of values. No matter what ideas, political attitudes, religious beliefs and interest demands, there are opportunities to participate; This diversity is also reflected in the inclusiveness of the social system. While the main body of the State implements the socialist system, Hong Kong is allowed to continue to implement the capitalist system and maintain its own way of life. No matter what system you believe in and what way of life you like, you have the opportunity to participate. In short, under the banner of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, we should maximize the radius of inclusiveness and diversity, and draw the largest concentric circle that is in line with Hong Kong's fundamental interests: the steady and far-reaching practice of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability, and Hong Kong compatriots heading for a better life. Recently, I saw in the news media in Hong Kong that there were a lot of applications for the election of the seventh Legislative Council in Hong Kong. A total of 153 candidates were running for 90 seats. The election campaign is in full swing. Some visited voters, some set up street stations, and some participated in election forums. Candidates actively won the support of voters by comparing their expertise, platforms, ideas, commitments and contributions. Various organizations and the people of Hong Kong responded one after another, with many supporters. I applaud and praise such a picture and atmosphere! From the response of all sectors of society in Hong Kong, this fully demonstrates the following advantages and characteristics of the new electoral system: First, it fully demonstrates the broad representativeness of the new electoral system. The Legislative Council is the representative organ of public opinion, and its composition must be broadly representative. The new electoral system has attracted more people to participate in the election, most of them are new faces, showing a new atmosphere. From the background of the candidates, there are not only elite leaders in business, academic and professional circles, but also representatives of labor, staff and small and medium-sized enterprise operators from the grass-roots level of society; There are not only native Hong Kong people, but also Putonghua speaking "Hong Kong drifters", people born in Taiwan and "foreigners" who have joined Chinese nationality; There are not only experienced senior political participants, but also a new generation of young people full of motivation and innovation. Overall, the diversity of candidates is unprecedented. People living in public housing and "housing estates", bus drivers and registered electricians have become candidates for election to the Legislative Council, which was not available in Hong Kong in the past. Second, it fully demonstrates the political inclusiveness of the new electoral system. This election is not a "mono". Candidates come from different political groups and political factions, represent different political spectra and hold different political ideas and aspirations. A number of people with different political views and opinions were successfully nominated. Some of them are candidates supported by political groups and some are independent candidates. Like all candidates for the Legislative Council election, they compete on the same platform, reflecting the maximum openness and inclusiveness of the new electoral system. Third, it fully demonstrates the balanced participation of the new electoral system. The new electoral system divides the seats of the Legislative Council into three parts, and the composition structure has been optimized, so that representatives from all walks of life, sectors and parties can participate in the legislature, thus ensuring the balance of political participation and balancing interests. Since the development of capitalism in Hong Kong, many contradictions have accumulated. Objectively, it is necessary for the Legislative Council to take into account the different interests of all sectors of Hong Kong society. In particular, it is conducive to the development of capitalism and better balance the overall interests, sectoral interests and regional interests of Hong Kong. The new electoral system meets this need, better reflects public opinion and is more in line with Hong Kong's reality. Fourth, it fully demonstrates the fair competition of the new electoral system. In this legislative council election, there is competition for all 90 seats, and no one can be elected automatically. This has never happened since Hong Kong's return. It can be said that "there is only competition, and each sector has its own choice". More importantly, the new electoral system makes the election campaign more rational, fair and orderly, pays more attention to the issues of people's livelihood and development, and pays more attention to the display of candidates' ability and quality. As some Hong Kong citizens have said, Hong Kong blindly pursued western style democracy for a long time in the past, but in fact, what brought to Hong Kong Society was not real democracy, but the crisis of social division and vicious struggle, resulting in social disorder, economic imbalance and ineffective governance, and the "black storm" in Hong Kong

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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