The Information Office of the State Council issued a white paper on China's democracy


The Information Office of the State Council issued a white paper on China's democracy on the 4th. The white paper says that democracy is the common value of all mankind and an important concept unswervingly adhered to by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. Over the past 100 years, the party has held high the banner of people's democracy and led the people to become the masters of the country in a country with thousands of years of feudal history and a semi colonial and semi feudal society in modern times. The Chinese people have truly become the masters of the country, society and their own destiny. According to the white paper, China's democracy is people's democracy, and people's ownership is the essence and core of China's democracy. People's democracy in the whole process has realized the unity of process democracy and result democracy, procedural democracy and substantive democracy, direct democracy and indirect democracy, people's democracy and national will. It is a democracy of the whole chain, all directions and all coverage, and the most extensive, real and effective socialist democracy. The white paper emphasizes that democracy is historical, specific and developing. Democracy in all countries is rooted in their own historical and cultural traditions and grows up in the practical exploration and intellectual creation of their own people. Democracy has different paths and forms. Democracy is not an ornament, not a decoration, but to solve the problems that the people need to solve. Democracy is the right of all peoples, not the patent of a few countries. The white paper points out that whether a country is democratic or not should be judged by the people of the country, not by a few people outside. Whether a country in the international community is democratic or not should be judged by the international community, not by a small number of self righteous countries. There are many ways to achieve democracy, and it is impossible to follow the same pattern. It is undemocratic to use a single yardstick to measure the world's rich and colorful political systems and to examine the colorful political civilization of mankind from a monotonous perspective. (outlook new era)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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