The international community spoke positively of China's achievements in all-round development


The hundred year journey is magnificent, and the hundred year struggle has made brilliant achievements. Proceeding from the overall strategic situation of the development of the cause of the party and the country, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee deeply studied the Centennial course of the party leading the people in revolution, construction and reform, comprehensively summarized the great historical process of the party from victory to victory and the great historical achievements made for the country and the nation, and passed the deliberation Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the major achievements and historical experience of the party's hundred years of struggle. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has always fulfilled its original mission, United and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to draw a magnificent picture in the history of human development, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation shows unprecedented bright prospects. International people interviewed by our reporter said that the CPC has united and led the Chinese people to make great achievements and accumulated valuable experience. Looking forward to the future, China will contribute more wisdom and strength to global development. "Make greater contributions to promoting the harmonious development of man and nature" Beiwenjiang, a scholar on international issues and President of zaffel Association for the promotion of Eurasian cooperation in France, believes that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's economic strength, people's well-being, scientific and technological strength and international influence have been significantly improved. "China is seeking sustainable economic, social and environmental development and constantly contributing to the construction of global ecological civilization." Bei Wenjiang, for example, said that China has actively implemented the Paris Agreement on climate change and made a solemn commitment to achieve the goal of "double carbon"; China is also the world's largest investor in renewable energy, helping developing countries develop renewable energy and promote the popularization of electric vehicles "I believe that China's entry into a high-quality development stage will make greater contributions to promoting the harmonious development of man and nature." The main business of Belgium sabeth China EU Business Consulting Co., Ltd. is to provide consulting services for China EU enterprise cooperation. For this reason, Frederick baldan, CEO of the company, often visits China. In recent years, China has built the world's largest high-speed railway network, expressway network and world-class port group, and has become an economy with the highest degree of maritime connectivity and the largest volume of cargo trade in the world During the epidemic prevention and control period, China Europe trains and ocean going cargo ships shuttle day and night, contributing to the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain. China high speed rail, China highway and China's one belt, one road ahead, has the highest level of construction and scale. The concept of sustainable development has promoted the quality development of China's transportation industry and laid a good foundation for the comprehensive development of the country. , to understand China's achievements in technology, engineering and management and the concept of harmonious coexistence between Chinese people and nature "has strong reference significance for all countries". "Giving democracy a more comprehensive connotation and stronger vitality" "In the history of mankind, no country has made such great economic achievements and social progress in such a short period of time as China. From the perspective of economists, I am glad to see that China has entered a stage of high-quality development and the consumer market is more prosperous; from the perspective of educators, I find that China's young people are progressive, curious and creative The former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and the famous economist gregoge kovodko said that thanks to the strong leadership and ruling wisdom of the Communist Party of China, China has embarked on a socialist road with its own characteristics. At present, China has become an important engine of world economic growth, and the world can benefit from China's development. Andre karafilipovic, President of the Croatian China Friendship Association, has worked in China for many years. His experience as a journalist and diplomat in China has given him the opportunity to visit all parts of the country and understand the real and three-dimensional China. "Over the past few decades, China's development has been obvious to all, and its achievements in democratic construction have been impressive." Karafilipovich said that the Chinese people have more and more ways to participate in democratic life, and the people's happiness has been continuously improved. In the face of the challenge of the epidemic, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people, united as one, and won the support of the people. "The Communist Party of China is a pioneer in the innovation and development of Marxist theory." Heinz Dietrich, a professor at Mexico City Autonomous University, said that Chinese democracy is in line with China's basic national conditions, reflects the will of the people and plays an important role in practice. "Chinese style democracy is not only reflected in democratic elections, but also widely reflected in daily life. It is an effective democratic system." Stephen ndegwa, head of Kenya's think tank on South South cooperation, stressed that democracy should be in the interests of the majority and solve the problems that the people need to solve. "From this perspective, China has endowed democracy with more comprehensive connotation and stronger vitality, fully considered public opinion and absorbed professional suggestions, so that the broad rights of the people in all aspects can be guaranteed." Charles onunayizhu, director of Nigeria's China Research Center, said that the reason why the Communist Party of China can "concentrate on doing great things" is that the Chinese people believe in the party and government, support and actively participate in national governance. He believes that "whether the people are satisfied" and "whether the people trust the government" are the criteria for judging democracy. "During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, the Chinese people paid great attention to and participated widely. Everyone has the opportunity to become a participant in national decision-making, which is the charm of people's democracy in the whole process of China. The innovation of these ideas and practices is worth learning from other countries." "The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental guarantee for China's development and progress" Zemir awan, deputy director of the China Research Center of Pakistan National University of science and technology, said that as the largest ruling party in the world, the Communist Party of China represents the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people and has won the support and support of the people. "China has put forward major ideas such as building a community with a shared future for mankind and global development initiatives, providing new ideas and plans for global governance." Yu Shougen, President of the Korea China Global Association of South Korea, believes that the Communist Party of China has accumulated rich experience in governing the country. The resolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee summarized valuable experience in 10 aspects, which is the spiritual wealth jointly created by the Communist Party of China and the people, making "the party, the state and the people a concentric whole and significantly improving the efficiency of national governance". "The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental guarantee for China's development and progress." ndegwa said that the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the people first, deeply understood the people's needs, effectively improved the people's living standards, and the people's sense of gain, happiness and security have been continuously improved. Nasser, President of the Moroccan Association for Africa China cooperation and development, said: "China's strong epidemic prevention work has shown the world the strong leadership and execution of the Communist Party of China. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics." (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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