Reporter's note: COVID-19's rebound worries clouded the US Thanksgiving Day.


Oil prices, vegetables and turkeys are rising, and the number of new crown infections and hospitalizations are also rising. On the 25th, this year's Thanksgiving is approaching. For Americans who are preparing to celebrate this family reunion festival, whether the surge of Thanksgiving cases last year will reappear is indeed a hidden worry. "What worries us is that with the approaching of holidays, the rate of transmission is too high. We will definitely have the next infection peak," said Anber Desouza, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health, 21, in an interview with the Capitol Hill daily. Rochelle valensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention, said at the White House epidemic briefing on the 22nd that the average number of newly diagnosed cases in the United States increased by 92800 in the last week, an increase of 18% over the previous week. Valensky said that it is now winter, vacation travel and indoor parties have increased significantly, and the risk of respiratory virus transmission is greater. Those who have not been vaccinated with new crown vaccine and booster injection should arrange vaccination as soon as possible. About 47 million eligible U.S. adults and 12 million eligible adolescents have not been vaccinated, she said. According to the latest data from the CDC, the probability of infection, hospitalization and death of those who have not been vaccinated with the new crown vaccine are 6 times, 9 times and 14 times higher than those vaccinated respectively. Although nearly 70% of people in the United States have received at least one dose of new crown vaccine and the hospitalization rate has decreased from the high point in September, the epidemic situation in many states is not optimistic and there is a risk of rebound in the next few weeks, the website of political Daily reported on the 22nd. There are more and more cases of "breakthrough infection" in all States of the United States. Even in New England, where vaccination rates are high, the epidemic has rebounded seriously. Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire are trying to prevent large-scale outbreaks. In Michigan, 28% of hospitalized patients and 24% of dead patients were vaccinated between October 7 and November 5. "Breakthrough infection" means that the pathogen breaks through the defense line of the vaccine, causing the person who has completed the vaccination to infect the disease that the vaccine should have prevented. Hospitals in Colorado, Idaho and New Mexico have been overwhelmed by the surge in cases, and hospitals in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin are at or near the edge of crisis operations. During Thanksgiving this year, it is estimated that the travel scale of Americans will return to the level before the outbreak of the epidemic in the country. The transportation security administration said that the number of people traveling by air alone would reach 20 million. Whether Thanksgiving will once again become a "multiplier" of the epidemic has also become a topic of discussion among major American media in recent days. On the 23rd, in an exclusive interview with Anthony fouch, director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases and President Biden's chief medical adviser, Microsoft NBC specially broadcast an interview clip on the deterioration of the epidemic during last Thanksgiving. In response to the difference between this year and last year, Fudge said: "there is a vaccine this year and not last year, which is the biggest difference." but like many public health experts such as valensky, Fudge regretted that the United States has sufficient vaccines but some people are not willing to vaccinate: "we have vaccines, but some people are unwilling to vaccinate, which is really unfortunate." Data released by Johns Hopkins covid-19 show that as of 23, the cumulative number of deaths in the United States has exceeded 773 thousand since the outbreak of the new crown outbreak, which means that the number of new deaths in the United States has exceeded 38.5 cases over the past year. The U.S. Department of justice asked the federal court to make an emergency ruling on the 23rd to restore the Biden government's new crown vaccine injunction against large enterprise employers. This mandatory order requires employers with 100 or more employees to force employees to be vaccinated. It was originally scheduled to be implemented from January 4, 2022. However, it was appealed to courts in Republican states such as Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Utah and Mississippi, and was suspended by an appeals court in early November. According to the Washington Post on the 22nd, when the Biden government planned to expand the scope of vaccination to children aged 5 to 11 at the end of October, Fudge's office received a large number of phone calls and information angrily denounced or even threatened by opponents. In fact, during the whole epidemic period, many U.S. public health officials have been subjected to similar attacks, and many have resigned for this purpose. "This is an attack on me, but in general, it is also an attack on science," fouch told the Washington Post (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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