Permanent representative of China to the United Nations: it is urgent to combat the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and strengthen arms control over conventional weapons


Zhang Jun, permanent representative of China to the United Nations, said in his speech at the open debate on small arms and light weapons of the United Nations Security Council on the 22nd that it is urgent to crack down on the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons and strengthen the arms control of conventional weapons. Zhang Jun said that the issue of small arms and light weapons is related to peace and development. Combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons is of great significance to ensure the economic development and social progress of all countries. It is urgent to strengthen conventional arms control under a multilateral framework. Zhang Jun stressed that the countries concerned should bear the primary responsibility for combating small arms and light weapons and realize the full cycle management of small arms and light weapons. The Security Council should provide political support for the peace and reconciliation efforts and post-war reconstruction of the countries concerned and help them effectively deal with the risk of the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. At the same time, the root cause of the problem of small arms and light weapons lies largely in poverty and underdevelopment. The international community should pay special attention to the economic development and people's livelihood under the impact of COVID-19 in war-torn and post conflict countries, help regional countries recover after the epidemic, eliminate the root causes of conflicts and violence, and maintain lasting peace in the region. The "global development initiative" put forward by China aims to pool global development forces and meet the development needs of all countries, especially developing countries. China welcomes all parties to join this initiative. Zhang Jun stressed that all countries should strictly implement the Security Council's arms embargo resolutions and the relevant arms embargo provisions of the sanctions committees, not transfer or sell weapons to countries subject to the Security Council's arms embargo, and cut off the chain of illicit flow of small arms and light weapons. At the same time, it shall not interfere in the internal affairs of the parties or infringe on the sovereignty of the parties on the grounds of the implementation of the embargo. The international community should strengthen multilateral and bilateral practical cooperation and actively carry out information exchange and experience sharing. We should give full play to the leading role of the United Nations in combating illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons. Zhang Jun pointed out that the Chinese government has always opposed the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons and adopted a cautious and responsible attitude towards the export of small arms and light weapons. Since its accession to the arms trade treaty, China has actively participated in the governance of the global arms trade. At the same time, under the framework of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the China United Nations Fund for peace and development, China has carried out international cooperation with other developing countries in combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons, and specially established the China Africa peace and security cooperation fund to support the "elimination of gunshots in Africa" The initiative and China Africa cooperation in peace and security, peacekeeping and stability maintenance. China is ready to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to jointly combat the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons and maintain international and regional peace and stability. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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