

*** *** China and ASEAN officially announced the establishment of China ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership. *** *** The past 30 years have witnessed the in-depth development of economic globalization and the profound evolution of the international pattern. It has also been 30 years for China and ASEAN to seize the opportunities of the times and realize the great leap forward development of bilateral relations. We got rid of the haze of the cold war and jointly maintained regional stability. We have led the economic integration of East Asia, promoted common development and prosperity, and enabled more than 2 billion people to live a better life. We have embarked on a bright road of good neighborliness, friendship and win-win cooperation, moved towards an increasingly close community of common destiny, and made important contributions to promoting the cause of human progress. *** This is a new milestone in the history of bilateral relations and will inject new impetus into regional and world peace, stability, prosperity and development. *** *** First, respect each other and adhere to the basic norms of international relations. Equal treatment, harmony and common development are our common aspirations. We took the lead in advocating the five principles of peaceful coexistence and the "Bandung spirit". China was the first among ASEAN dialogue partners to accede to the Treaty of friendship and cooperation in Southeast Asia. We take care of each other's major concerns, respect each other's development paths, enhance understanding and trust through sincere communication, seek common ground while reserving differences, properly deal with differences and problems, and jointly safeguard and carry forward Asian values. Second, win-win cooperation and follow the path of peaceful development. Achieving national stability and people's happiness is our common goal. One belt, one road, is the first to establish a free trade area and to build a "one belt and one road". We have jointly signed the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement, which has promoted the development of regional integration and the well-being of the people. Third, keep watch and help each other, and practice the concept of affinity, sincerity, benefit and tolerance. Simultaneous interpreting and helping each other is our common tradition. Like relatives, we often come and go, pay attention to friendship and faithfulness, celebrate together in case of happiness and help each other in case of difficulties. Through joint efforts to novel coronavirus pneumonia, the international financial crisis and the new crown pneumonia epidemic, we have strengthened the sense of destiny community. Fourth, inclusiveness and mutual learning, and jointly build an open regionalism. Diversity and tolerance are our common genes. We have drawn wisdom from East Asian civilization, guided regional economic integration with the concept of openness, promoted ASEAN led regional cooperation with equal consultation, built an open rather than exclusive circle of friends with an inclusive attitude, and implemented the principle of joint consultation, co construction and sharing. *** *** We should cherish it, adhere to it for a long time, and constantly enrich and develop it in new practice. *** China will unswervingly take ASEAN as the priority direction of neighboring diplomacy, unswervingly support ASEAN unity and the construction of ASEAN community, unswervingly support the central position of ASEAN in the regional framework, and unswervingly support ASEAN to play a greater role in regional and international affairs. *** China's development will provide more opportunities and inject strong impetus into the region and the world. China is willing to grasp the general trend, eliminate interference, share opportunities and create prosperity with ASEAN, implement the comprehensive strategic partnership and take new steps towards building a closer China ASEAN Community of common destiny. *** First, build a peaceful homeland. Peace is our greatest common interest and the greatest common aspiration of the people of all countries. We should be builders and guardians of regional peace, adhere to dialogue, non confrontation, partnership and non alignment, and work together to deal with various negative factors that threaten and undermine peace. We should practice genuine multilateralism and adhere to international and regional affairs through consultation. China firmly opposes hegemonism and power politics and is willing to live in long-term friendship with neighboring countries and jointly safeguard lasting peace in the region. China supports ASEAN's efforts to build a nuclear weapon free zone and is willing to sign the protocol to the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty as soon as possible. Second, build a peaceful home. The novel coronavirus pneumonia has proved again that there is no isolated island in the world, and universal security is the real security. China is willing to launch the "China ASEAN health shield" Cooperation Initiative: including providing another 150 million doses of neocoronal vaccine free assistance to ASEAN countries; An additional US $5 million will be added to the ASEAN anti epidemic fund to increase joint vaccine production and technology transfer, and carry out key drug R & D cooperation; Help ASEAN strengthen the construction of grass-roots public health system and personnel training. We should adhere to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and deepen cooperation in defense, counter-terrorism, joint maritime search and rescue and drills, combating transnational crime, disaster management and other fields. We should jointly maintain stability in the South China Sea and build it into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation. Third, build a prosperous home. The global development initiative I put forward not long ago meets the development needs of ASEAN countries and can be synergistic with ASEAN community vision 2025. China is willing to provide another US $1.5 billion in development assistance to ASEAN in the next three years for the anti epidemic and economic recovery of ASEAN countries. China is willing to carry out international development cooperation with ASEAN, support the establishment of China ASEAN development knowledge network, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of poverty reduction and promote balanced and inclusive development. Start the construction of version 3.0 of China ASEAN Free Trade Area as soon as possible, improve the level of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, expand cooperation in new fields such as digital economy and green economy, and jointly build a demonstration park for economic and trade innovation and development. China is willing to import more high-quality products from ASEAN countries, including $150 billion in agricultural products from ASEAN in the next five years. One belt, one road and one belt, one road, should be built together to build a high quality demonstration zone for international production cooperation. ASEAN countries are welcome to join in building a new international trade in land and sea. China will launch the scientific and technological innovation and upgrading plan, provide 1000 advanced and applicable technologies to ASEAN, and support 300 ASEAN young scientists to come to China for exchanges in the next five years. It is proposed to carry out digital governance dialogue and deepen the innovation and application of digital technology. Fourth, build a beautiful home. China is willing to hold dialogue with ASEAN on climate change, strengthen policy communication and experience sharing, and connect with sustainable development plans. We should jointly promote regional energy transformation, explore the establishment of clean energy cooperation centers and strengthen the sharing of renewable energy technologies. We should strengthen cooperation in green finance and green investment to provide support for regional low-carbon sustainable development. China is willing to launch the China ASEAN action plan for green agricultural development. Enhance the vitality of the China ASEAN joint marine science and technology research and development center, build a blue economic partnership and promote marine sustainable development. Fifth, build a friendly home. We should advocate the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, actively consider the orderly resumption of personnel exchanges after the epidemic, and continue to promote exchanges in culture, tourism, think tanks, the media, women and other fields. China is willing to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN in vocational education and mutual recognition of academic qualifications, and increase the number of China ASEAN elite scholarships. Next year, we will usher in the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Hangzhou Asian Games. China is willing to take this opportunity to deepen sports exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries. *** *** Hassanal of Brunei, the rotating chairman of ASEAN, CO chaired the summit. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Indonesian President Joko, Lao President tonlon, Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail, Philippine President duterte, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Thai Prime Minister Bayu and Vietnamese Prime Minister fan Mingzheng attended the meeting. ASEAN Secretary General Lin Yuhui attended the meeting. ASEAN leaders thanked China for hosting the summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN China Dialogue Relations, congratulated the CPC on its centennial birthday and made extraordinary achievements such as building a well-off society in an all-round way. They said that in the 30 years since ASEAN and China established dialogue relations, the two sides have developed into the most comprehensive, substantive and win-win strategic partners, which has effectively promoted the construction of the ASEAN Community and brought tangible benefits to the people of both sides. ASEAN appreciates novel coronavirus pneumonia and the Chinese side's first support for ASEAN's fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the promotion of post epidemic economic recovery. One belt, one road initiative and 2025 ASEAN plan for interconnection and interconnection, will be further accelerated and the practical cooperation between various fields will be deepened and cultural exchanges strengthened. ASEAN countries are willing to work with China to safeguard multilateralism, the multilateral trading system and recognized principles of international law, jointly promote regional economic integration, jointly address global challenges such as climate change and achieve green and sustainable development. ASEAN leaders said that the formal establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between ASEAN and China is a milestone of great historical significance in bilateral relations. ASEAN is willing to work with China to strengthen all-round cooperation and meet the better 30 years of ASEAN China relations for the benefit of the region and the world

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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