Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao join hands in the "Oriental appointment"


During the fourth China International Fair, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao jointly issued investment invitations to the world. On November 8, the 2021 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area promotion conference co sponsored by Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency and Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau was held in Shanghai to publicize the business advantages and opportunities of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area, and encourage enterprises to grasp the "plan for comprehensively deepening the reform and opening up of Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone" and the "overall plan for the construction of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone" Business opportunities for cooperation and development. "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area is an important base for ABB's development in China." Gu Chunyuan, chairman of ABB China, a Swiss industrial giant, said that he hopes to cooperate more with Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area in the fields of digitization, intelligence, clean energy utilization, energy efficiency optimization and electrification rate improvement, so as to jointly promote green and high-quality development. Dawan district cooperates to develop the market Entering the Hong Kong service industry exhibition area, Hong Kong products exhibition area and Macao Cultural and creative exhibition area of the fourth China International Fair, a group of young entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Macao brought new technologies, new products and new services, which attracted the attention of Chinese and foreign businessmen. They hope to use the exposure effect of the Expo to let the mainland people know their brands and products and further develop the mainland market. "Hongkong has the unique advantage of" one country two systems ", the shining pearl of the world, an important engine for the development of the Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and plays an irreplaceable role in the process of opening up to the outside world." at the conference, Liu Yajun, Vice Minister of economic affairs and Trade Department of Hongkong joint economic office, said. Liu Yajun said that Hong Kong has traditional advantages such as an international financial center, a trade center, a logistics and shipping center, and will strive to build an international innovation and technology center, an international law and dispute resolution service center in the Asia Pacific region, a regional intellectual property trade center and a Sino foreign culture and art exchange center. In the future, Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao will continue to complement each other's strengths and deepen cooperation, and develop hand in hand with the cities of Dawan district. "Macao adheres to the foundation of one country, makes good use of the advantages of two systems, and actively integrates into the overall situation of national development. After its return, Macao has made remarkable development achievements." Xu HongRi, director of the investment group of the Trade Department of the Ministry of economy of the joint office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Macao, said that the construction of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone will surely write a more brilliant chapter for the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in Macao. "In recent years, Guangdong has joined hands with Hong Kong and Macao to build a world-class Bay area and a world-class urban agglomeration, and achieved important phased results. The level of investment and trade liberalization and facilitation in Dawan district has been continuously improved," said Ye Hua, a second-class inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce. In recent years, Guangdong has successively issued policies such as "ten foreign investment" and "Twelve stable foreign investment" with high gold content and strong support. In the past two years, it has supported 74 foreign investment projects with an incentive fund of 1.145 billion yuan, attracting large foreign investment projects such as ExxonMobil, BASF, Japan Toray and Hyundai Automobile hydrogen fuel cell. In September this year, Guangdong recently revised and promulgated the measures of Guangdong Province for Encouraging Multinational Corporations to set up regional headquarters, further optimized the identification standards of headquarters, increased policy incentive support and strengthened supporting guarantee. At the same time, the facilitation of customs clearance between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has also made positive progress. According to Ye Hua, Guangdong cooperates to promote the "single window" cooperation of international trade between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Guangdong and Macao. The "paperless" filing of freight vehicles between Hong Kong and Macao has benefited nearly 100000 cross-border vehicles between Hong Kong and Macao. The "one-stop" customs clearance mode is implemented at some key ports of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the average customs clearance time of vehicles is only 20 seconds. According to the data of Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, in 2020, the GDP of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area reached 11.5 trillion yuan, which is a huge regional economic hinterland. At present, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have formed an industrial pattern of complementary, mutual promotion and coordinated development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries. They are an important base of the world's manufacturing industry, an international finance, shipping and Trade Center, a tourism and leisure center, with more than 300 distinctive industrial clusters, forming 7 trillion level industrial clusters such as electronic information, green petrochemical, smart appliances and advanced materials. The construction of the two cooperation zones ushered in new opportunities for development Dawan District elements shine into the Expo site. Hengqin and Qianhai cooperation zones have received a lot of attention and ushered in new development opportunities with the help of the Expo platform. "After 11 years of development and construction, Qianhai has changed from a beach to an important place for Shenzhen's economic development and a hot land for global investment." at the promotion meeting, Yuan Fuyong, deputy director of Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone Administration, introduced that Qianhai is launching a new industrial policy. Among them, the talent policy focuses on supporting the introduction of strategic scientists, leading scientific and technological talents, young scientific and technological talents and outstanding engineers. The financial policy focuses on the development of licensed institutions, the development of characteristic financial business, Shenzhen Hong Kong financial cooperation, creating a good financial ecology and supporting 19 types of objects. In addition, industrial policies such as headquarters economy, trade logistics, emerging industries, professional service industry and social and public service security are also about to be implemented. "After 12 years of development and construction, Hengqin has changed from a border island into a vibrant development heat island." Li Ziwei, acting director of the Economic Development Bureau of the Executive Committee of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone, also introduced the industrial foundation, development planning, preferential policies and investment prospects of the cooperation zone in detail. Li Ziwei introduced that at present, the cooperation zone is accelerating the construction of "first-line" and "second-line" channel infrastructure, striving to realize the closure operation of the whole island in 2022, accelerating the highly convenient access of data, goods, personnel, capital and other elements, so as to provide strong guarantee and support for industrial development, high-end talent agglomeration and factor circulation. Whether the development is good or not, enterprises have the most say. According to Zeng Keqiang, chairman and co CEO of Hengqin enterprise representative Xin Yaohui Technology Co., Ltd., this Hengqin born and long-time Hengqin enterprise has pocketed the special prize of the second China Hengqin science and technology entrepreneurship competition for more than a year and won nearly 1 billion yuan of financing from well-known institutions such as Hillhouse and Sequoia, as well as the development fund of the University of Macao and the fund of the University of science and technology of Macao, The R & D team has rapidly expanded from dozens to more than 200 people, and has become a rising star in the field of integrated circuits in China. Hu yabing, vice president of Li & Fung supply chain management (China) Co., Ltd., said that Li & Fung Group invested 100 million yuan in Shenzhen Qianhai free trade area to establish Li & Fung supply chain Dawan district headquarters, including international distribution center, Asia Pacific distribution center, export cross-border e-commerce logistics center, Dawan District distribution center and duty-free channel control center, and establish an internal and external double cycle supply chain management hub, Make use of the regional advantages of Qianhai free trade area to build and manage the key nodes of the international supply chain. "In the next step, we will increase the investment and development in Shenzhen Qianhai free trade area, and newly invest in the establishment of Li & Fung International Express Co., Ltd. to focus on and serve the cross-border e-commerce overseas business of Chinese brands. We plan to invest in the Asia Pacific super service trade supply chain center within three years, build a three-dimensional automatic global high-end commodity distribution center, robot sorting Asia Pacific e-commerce processing center, exhibition, trade and new products Retail innovation research center, "said Hu yabing. Multinational enterprises seek business opportunities to seize the beach and layout Dawan District To build a first-class Bay area and world-class urban agglomeration with vitality and international competitiveness, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao cooperation is starting again with a new attitude, and the huge market potential sends a strong attraction to global multinational corporations. At the Expo, many multinational enterprises also aimed at the Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has a population of about 70 million, to further cultivate and layout and integrate into the development of Dawan district. At this Expo, Neumann medical center, China's first integrated medical institution, appeared. The medical center will take the lead in implementing the new concept of integrated medicine in reality in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and open a new chapter in the prevention and control of chronic diseases. Neumann medical center is the result of the investment and layout of German activeair in Guangzhou. The company has been deeply engaged in the field of chronic solutions for many years and has a number of international patented technologies. Li Zhiming, general manager of activeair China, said that Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan district is rich in medical resources and has a strong industrial foundation. It will deeply cultivate Dawan district and let German advanced technology and treatment equipment enter more Chinese families. "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Dawan district is an important base for ABB's development in China." Gu Chunyuan said that as early as 1995, abb invested in Guangdong and established two manufacturing enterprises. As Guangdong has vigorously promoted industrial transformation and upgrading in recent years, abb has also continuously upgraded its investment in Guangdong. ABB Robot (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. was established to meet the rapidly growing market demand for industrial robots in South China; Shenzhen ABB electric transportation technology Co., Ltd. will be established to form a capacity system of the whole value chain in R & D, quality, market, business and service, and will launch more new charging solutions to support the construction of China's electric transportation ecosystem. China's one belt, one road, and the other industry's innovation and upgrading, GE has already been deployed in the Gulf of Victoria, Xiang Weiming, vice president of GE and GE, China's president. Taking clean energy as an example, Ge is actively cooperating with local partners on the promotion of natural gas power generation application, offshore wind turbine production and manufacturing, renewable energy consumption and other aspects according to Guangdong's energy endowment, so as to support the transformation of energy structure. In the area of one belt, one road, GE combines global resources and experience, applies digital practice in energy, aviation, medical and other industries, and explores win-win cooperation mode with industry customers, and provides new kinetic energy for continuous upgrading of industrial innovation in Tai Wan district. "Ge will continue to take root in the Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and work together to achieve high-quality regional economic and social development," Xiang Weiming said. (outlook new era)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

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