The first China Africa future leaders dialogue issued a joint declaration


On November 7, the first China Africa future leaders' dialogue, sponsored by the Chinese people's Association for friendship with foreign countries and co sponsored by the Chinese African people's Friendship Association and Jinhua Municipal People's government, was successfully held. More than 300 people, including youth representatives from 48 countries in China and Africa, attended the event online or offline, conducted frank and in-depth exchanges on the theme of "striving for a new era of cooperation and new responsibilities for Chinese and African youth", reached broad consensus, and unanimously adopted the joint declaration of the first China Africa future leaders dialogue. The full text is as follows: We, the youth representatives of the people's Republic of China and 48 African countries, held the "first China Africa future leaders dialogue" on November 7, 2021 through a combination of online and offline. Focusing on the theme of "striving for a new era of cooperation and new responsibilities for China Africa youth", we will inherit and carry forward China Africa traditional friendship and promote win-win and common development of China Africa cooperation, We reached broad consensus on building a closer community of common destiny between China and Africa, and agreed to issue the joint declaration of the first China Africa future leaders dialogue. China China China's Chinese Communist Party novel coronavirus pneumonia, we warmly congratulate the 100th anniversary founding of the Communist Party of China, highly appreciate the great achievements of the Chinese Communist Party in leading the Chinese people in all periods and areas, and highly appraised the two miracles that China has created for the human economy to sustain rapid development and long-term social stability. The eradication of absolute poverty has set an example for developing countries such as Africa. It is believed that the Communist Party of China will lead the Chinese people to make new achievements on the new journey of realizing a powerful socialist modern country and make new contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting global development. Africa highly appreciates the Communist Party of China's concept of governing the country and politics, and believes that China's success is not accidental, and its root lies in always adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system; Always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, adhere to the people as the center, do everything for the people and rely on the people, and let the people be the masters of their own affairs; We will always adhere to the path of peaceful development, focus on economic construction, and adhere to reform and opening up. We believe that China's successful development and practice have established confidence and provided reference for developing countries, including Africa, to explore the path of independent and sustainable development. China highly appreciates that African countries have actively explored development paths and development models in line with their respective national conditions, formulated and implemented the African Union agenda 2063, and made remarkable progress. We agree that the 21st century is the century of Asia and Africa. Africa has risen and is becoming one of the regions with the fastest economic growth in the world in recent years. Its overall international status and influence have increased significantly and is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs. We agreed that China and Africa are a community of shared destiny and interests, an important force in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, and a vanguard in promoting the construction of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. To forge ahead in the new era, China and Africa should strengthen unity and cooperation, firmly safeguard the common interests of China and Africa and the overall interests of developing countries, and work together to solve the governance deficit and development deficit faced by human society. We believe that the current century's epidemic and century's changes have superimposed and co shocked, the sediment of power politics and cold war thinking has sprung up, unilateralism and protectionism are rampant, and the world is in chaos. However, the general trend is very clear. Win-win cooperation and common development are the right path for the world and the only correct choice for all countries. The people of all countries are more eager for peaceful development, more eager for fairness and justice, and more determined in the pursuit of win-win cooperation. We firmly believe that Chinese and African youth are the hope of China Africa relations. With the same dreams, common tasks and consistent pursuit, they will shoulder more responsibilities and play a greater role in inheriting China Africa traditional friendship, promoting China Africa friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation, and become a new force for China Africa solidarity and cooperation, deepening friendship and seeking common development. We are willing to uphold and practice the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom of all mankind, be good defenders of the global governance system and the international order, and jointly call on the youth of China and Africa to firmly maintain peaceful development, resolutely safeguard fairness and justice, and resolutely pursue democracy and freedom. We are willing to uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, be a good inheritor of China Africa friendship, and jointly call on Chinese and African youth to actively participate in the cause of China Africa friendship, combine their personal future with national rejuvenation and China Africa friendship, and pass on the baton of China Africa friendship. One belt, one road initiative and global development initiative are well placed to serve as the practitioners of the development of China Africa cooperation. We also call on the youth of China and Africa to join hands in efforts to promote China's second hundred years' goal and closely link with the 2063 agenda of the African Union and the development strategy of African countries, and support the industrialization, urbanization and modernization of Africa. We are willing to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, be a good promoter of the common feelings between China and Africa, and jointly call on Chinese and African youth to strengthen exchanges and visits, understand the real China and Africa in a comprehensive, objective and three-dimensional way, enhance understanding, friendship and mutual trust in mutual learning and mutual learning, tell the story of China Africa friendship in the voice of youth, and win-win China Africa cooperation The story of common development and the story of China and Africa building a community with a shared future for mankind. We also unanimously appreciate and thank the Chinese people's Association for friendship with foreign countries for successfully holding the "first China Africa future leaders dialogue", which has built a new platform for China Africa youth equal dialogue, peer-to-peer cooperation, exchange of ideas, docking actions and jointly creating the future. We earnestly look forward to and support the institutionalization of the "dialogue between future leaders of China and Africa" and hold it alternately in China and Africa every year. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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