International observation: the United States has become the biggest risk source of international nuclear security


According to the U.S. military website the drive reported on October 22, the "Connecticut" nuclear submarine that had an accident in the South China Sea has "difficultly returned" to the U.S. military base in Guam after being damaged for accident investigation and damage assessment. As for some issues of serious concern in the region, such as what objects did it hit? Did the incident lead to nuclear leakage and what impact did it have on the environment? More than 20 days later, the US Navy remained silent. The world only knows that the United States issued an ambiguous statement five days after the collision on October 2. What is the mission of this sea wolf attack submarine, which is only three in the United States, to sneak into the South China Sea 8000 miles away from its mainland? How many times have you been here? The United States delayed concealing the accident and guided public opinion; The American media, which has always liked to inquire into the bottom, turned a blind eye to the right to security and the right to know of the people in the relevant areas of the incident. The United States has engaged in "militarization" in the South China Sea and created regional tension for a long time. In recent years, US warships and submarines have repeatedly collided with various objects or civilian ships in the South China Sea in the name of "free navigation". What is the ulterior purpose of submarine and military aircraft activities that dare not explain the cause of the accident? The United States has played a geopolitical game in the South China Sea, harming regional security and peace, and has intensified. On September 15, the United States, Britain and Australia established a trilateral security partnership. Britain and the United States will help Australia build nuclear submarines. This move endangering regional security has been condemned by many countries. After the Indonesian authorities learned of the matter, they directly cancelled the visit plan of Australian Prime Minister Morrison. At the general debate of the disarmament and international security committee of the 76th United Nations General Assembly held recently, representatives of Sri Lanka and other countries said that trilateral relations are a resurgence of cold war thinking. The representative of Malaysia said that the provision of strategic delivery systems containing nuclear technology by the United States and Britain to Australia would intensify the momentum of the arms race. In the vast South China Sea, people in peace loving areas are working hard to build a prosperous and peaceful home. The signing of the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty in 1985 reflected the common aspirations of the countries and peoples of the region to maintain peace and security and oppose the nuclear arms race and nuclear war. Harry Locke, spokesman of the Philippine presidential palace, said earlier on the US UK Australia nuclear submarine treaty that "most ASEAN countries are worried about two things, one is the deterioration of the conflict, and the other is the emergence of an arms race in the region." the free access of US nuclear submarines and reconnaissance aircraft in the South China Sea and helping non nuclear country Australia build nuclear submarines ignore the efforts of people in the region to pursue peace and tranquility, It has become the biggest risk source of regional nuclear security. The United States has never reflected on its history of dumping nuclear waste in the South Pacific island country, nor has it mourned the millions of lives lost because it provoked regional chaos and launched war. While imposing unilateral sanctions on other countries for developing uranium enrichment technology, the United States allows Australia to obtain highly enriched uranium as fuel for nuclear submarines. The "double standard" approach will seriously impact the international nuclear non-proliferation system and have a long-term negative impact on the settlement of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear issues. As the world's largest nuclear power, the United States endangers the world with self-interest, and has become the biggest risk source of international nuclear security. On October 26, the Chinese media Global Times launched a joint activity to ask the US military to announce the truth of the nuclear submarine collision in the South China Sea. At present, more than 200000 people have participated in the joint signing. The United States must face up to the demands of the people in the South China Sea, shoulder the responsibility of a major country and give due explanations to the international community. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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