The Turkish president ordered that the ambassadors of the 10 western countries be declared "unwelcome"


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on the 23rd that he had instructed the foreign minister to declare the ambassadors of the 10 countries to Turkey "unwelcome". The Turkish Foreign Ministry has not declared the 10 western ambassadors "unwelcome". The media commented that once the ambassador is expelled, Turkey's relations with the West will deteriorate seriously. Some diplomats believe that the current tension may ease. [order close to expulsion] The 10 countries are the United States, France, Germany, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and New Zealand. On the 18th, the ambassadors of the 10 countries issued a joint statement calling on Turkey to immediately release Osman kawara, who was accused by Turkey of participating in the attempted coup in 2016. Erdogan said in a speech at the event on the 23rd that the ambassadors of the 10 countries made a rude statement that they "have to leave the day they can't understand Turkey (national conditions)". As he spoke, cheers came from the crowd. Erdogan said: "I gave an order to the foreign minister: the ambassadors of these 10 countries must be declared 'unwelcome people' and handled immediately." The Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassadors of the 10 countries on the 19th and condemned them for interfering in the Turkish judicial system and politicizing the judicial process. In an interview on the 21st, Erdogan criticized these ambassadors for being self righteous and "pointing fingers" at Turkmenistan. He said at the time, "I told our Foreign Minister: we can't entertain these people." Kawara, 64, owns a family business and foundation. Some western media call him a philanthropist and human rights activist. He was detained in Istanbul in October 2017, and has been detained successively on charges related to Turkey's anti-government demonstration in 2013 and attempted coup in 2016. The next hearing of his case is scheduled for November 26. [no formal notice yet] Reuters reporter in Istanbul quoted a diplomat as saying that considering that Turkmenistan has fully expressed its position and the opening of the G20 summit and the United Nations climate change conference is imminent, in order to avoid the diplomatic storm caused by the expulsion of the ambassador, the current tension may be alleviated. The diplomat said that "no instructions have been sent to the embassy", and the Turkish cabinet may make relevant decisions on the 25th. The US State Department spokesman said on the 23rd that the US side was aware of the relevant reports and was "seeking an explanation" from the Turkish Foreign Ministry. A person from the German Foreign Ministry said that the German side has taken note of Erdogan's speech and is in close communication with the other nine countries. A spokesman for the Norwegian foreign ministry said that the Norwegian ambassador "did not do anything to be expelled", and the Norwegian side will continue to exert pressure on Turkey on "human rights and democracy". A spokesman for the Danish Foreign Ministry said that Denmark has not received formal notification from Turkmenistan, is maintaining contact with its allies and will adhere to the common "principles" expressed in the joint statement. The Dutch foreign ministry said that the Netherlands has taken note of Erdogan's speech, has not received formal confirmation from Turkey, and is waiting for a call from the Turkish Foreign Ministry. New Zealand's foreign ministry said on the 24th that New Zealand attaches importance to its relations with Turkey and will not comment until it receives a formal notice. (outlook new era)

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