List of human rights violations committed by the United States, Britain and France


On October 21 local time, the official website of the permanent mission of China to the United Nations released a list of human rights violations committed by the United States, Britain and France. The official website said that human rights are the achievements and symbols of the progress of human civilization. Respecting and protecting human rights is the basic spirit of modern civilization and one of the three pillars of the work of the United Nations. Human rights are not the best, only better; Human rights protection is only in progress, not completed. China's human rights cause should be judged by the Chinese people and measured by whether the Chinese people's sense of gain, happiness and security are satisfied. The United States, Britain, France and a few other countries are self righteous and always try to act as human rights teachers, gossiping and pointing fingers at the human rights situation in China and developing countries, but their own human rights problems are full of bad deeds and crimes. This list is difficult to exhaust all the facts of human rights violations in western countries, but I hope to list some facts in order to get a glimpse of the leopard and correct the audio-visual situation. 1、 United States Indian rights were violated. The United States carried out inhuman ethnic cleansing of native Indians. By the beginning of the 20th century, the American Indian population had plummeted from 5 million in 1492 to 250000. While slaughtering Indians, American rulers assimilated Indians culturally in order to eliminate dissidents. American Indians still live like second-class citizens today, and their rights have been trampled upon. Bullying of Asian groups has intensified. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Asian Americans have been humiliated and even attacked in public. A survey of Asian American young people on NBC website shows that in the past year, a quarter of Asian American young people have become targets of racial bullying; Fueled by the racist remarks of the then US government leaders, nearly half of the respondents expressed pessimism about their situation, and a quarter expressed fear about the situation of themselves and their families. Violent law enforcement by the police has led to frequent deaths of African Americans. According to a research report published in the lancet by experts from the University of Washington and other institutions, between 1980 and 2018, about 30800 people died of police violence in the United States, which is about 17100 more than the official number. Among them, African Americans are 3.5 times more likely to die of police violence than whites. In February this year, the United Nations independent human rights expert called on the United States to take broad reform measures to stop police violence and address systematic racism and racial discrimination. In June this year, the chairman of the United Nations Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination and 27 experts of the special mechanism, including the working group on people of African descent of the Human Rights Council, issued a joint statement condemning the current problem of racist lynching executions in the United States and demanding that the United States government conduct an independent investigation and study the responsibility of all cases of excessive use of force by the police, Address systemic racism and racial prejudice in the U.S. criminal justice system. Left a mess in Afghanistan. The United States launched the war in Afghanistan in the name of counter-terrorism. Over the past 20 years, terrorist organizations in Afghanistan have increased from single digits to more than 20. More than 100000 Afghan civilians have been killed and injured by the guns of the US military and its allies, and more than 10 million people have been displaced. The Afghan war destroyed the foundation of Afghanistan's economic development, and the Afghan people were destitute and plunged into a humanitarian crisis. The epidemic situation was seriously out of control, leading to human tragedy. The novel coronavirus pneumonia, known as the world's richest medical resource and medical care capability, has been in a state of confusion and the number of people diagnosed and died in the world. If the United States can respond scientifically, many people do not have to pay the price of their lives. William Fogg, an American epidemiologist and former head of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, believes that "this is a massacre". 2、 England The racial problem in Britain has a long history and is well known all over the world. According to the report of the United Nations Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, racism in Britain has intensified in recent years, and systematic discrimination, violent provocation and hate crimes against ethnic minorities have increased significantly. Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the medical treatment and employment situation of ethnic minorities in Britain has deteriorated. The report of the lancet, an authoritative medical journal, shows that ethnic minorities in Britain face a greater risk of infection and death than whites; According to the report of the British economic think tank, the unemployment rate of young people of African descent and Asian descent in Britain has risen to 35% and 24% in the past year, nearly three times and nearly twice that of white people of the same age, respectively. In addition to race, other human rights issues in Britain are emerging one after another. They are indifferent to people's lives and health at home and have a lot of bad deeds; He owed a lot of blood for massacres and indiscriminate killings. So far, one third of British families with children under the age of 5 still live in poverty, many children suffer from hunger, and the rights of a large number of refugees and immigrants have been seriously violated. In the hundreds of years of colonial history, Britain has committed countless massacres all over the world. The shameful brand of the British Empire was marked in the world's first concentration camp in South Africa. The British Army indiscriminately killed innocent people in Afghanistan. During 2011, it carried out 11 night raids in three months, killing 33 innocent local civilians. However, the perpetrators were protected by the government and still at large. 3、 France Crimes committed abroad. France massacred thousands of people during its overseas colonization and committed crimes against humanity. France violated the lives of civilians in the anti-terrorism operation of "crescent dune". According to the investigation report released by the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Mali, 19 civilians were killed in the air raid launched by the French army in Bondi village in central Mali on January 3, 2021. Expulsion of ethnic minorities. According to the report of the European Roma Rights Centre, 10000 to 15000 Roma are expelled every year in France. Discrimination against Muslims. According to a poll reported by Agence France Presse, about half of Muslims living in France believe that they have encountered discrimination at least once for religious reasons. Prison conditions are worrying. In its report on its regular visit to France in December 2019, the Committee for the prevention of torture of the Council of Europe expressed serious concern about the poor conditions of detention in the French police, overcrowding in prisons, and poor conditions for the transfer and treatment of detainees. (outlook new era)

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