
Be wary of these 'swimming pool diseases' and play in the water in summer. The correct way to open it is to save it quickly


In the scorching summer, many people bring their families to swimming pools or water parks to play and escape the heat. While enjoying the coolness, it is also important to remind everyone to be careful of "swimming pool sickness". Recently, a parent in Hefei, Anhui Province, took their 5-year-old son to a water park to play. After returning home, they found that the child had bumps of various sizes on his face. Upon examination, they discovered that it was contagious molluscum. Skin diseases that can be infected through swimming pools include contagious molluscum, as well as pyoderma, folliculitis, etc. Disinfectants in swimming pools can also cause skin allergies in some children. If the water quality of the swimming pool does not meet the standard, girls may still be infected with bacterial vulvitis. Gao Ying, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology at the Affiliated Children's Hospital of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics: During the hot and humid weather in summer, children may be bitten by insects or have minor skin injuries after being scratched. Children's skin is relatively delicate, so they are prone to infection. In addition to skin, children swimming should also pay special attention to ear related diseases. If the ear canal is damaged, swimming pool water entering the ear canal may cause ear inflammation. Some children frequently choke on water while learning to swim, which may lead to otitis media. Dr. Lu Yingxia, Chief Physician of Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery at the Affiliated Children's Hospital of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics: Otitis media is not related to water intake, but to choking on water. When children are not doing well in swimming, they are prone to choking on water. At this time, dirty water may enter the middle ear through the throat tube, causing otitis media. Otitis media can also cause ear pain and hearing loss. It is important not to panic and drain the water in the ear canal in a timely manner. According to doctors, ear canal inflammation usually only hurts when touched, and external use of anti-inflammatory drugs can cure it. Otitis media, on the other hand, is different as it can continue to cause pain even without touching. It is necessary to seek standardized treatment at a hospital, otherwise it may cause damage to hearing. Doctors remind children not to panic if water enters their ear canal while swimming. The ear canal has a eardrum, which is like a dead end, and water will not enter the inner ear through the eardrum. As long as the child tilts their head and jumps on one leg, water will flow out on its own. Parents should try not to insert cotton swabs into their children's ear canals to absorb water, as this can easily damage the ear canals and increase the risk of infection. Preventing "red eye disease" by taking timely medication and anti allergic measures. Swimming pools and water parks that do not meet hygiene standards can also transmit "red eye disease". Even in swimming pools that meet hygiene standards, some children may still be allergic to disinfectants in the pool, causing eye discomfort. Zhang Hao, Deputy Chief Physician of Ophthalmology at the Affiliated Pediatric Hospital of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics: For example, if there is a lot of eye droppings, we can buy some tobramycin eye drops or levofloxacin eye drops to apply to the child, and it may take a few days to cure. If there is not a lot of eye droppings, mainly itching and redness, some anti allergic eye drops can be used, such as Olotadine eye drops and other anti allergic eye drops. Sometimes allergies can be severe and even cause swelling of the conjunctiva. In this case, weak hormone eye drops can be used to control the symptoms. Beware of swimming pool "assassin" adenovirus in summer. In addition, if the water quality in swimming places does not meet the standard, it may also transmit respiratory diseases such as adenovirus. The doctor explained that adenovirus is mainly transmitted through droplets, contact, and fecal ingestion, and is more easily spread in enclosed, crowded, and humid environments. The temperature and humidity in the swimming pool are suitable for the survival of adenovirus. Therefore, many children may experience symptoms such as recurrent high fever and cough after swimming, and in severe cases, they may also develop pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, and diarrhea. Zhang Qiang, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Pediatric Infection at Anhui Children's Hospital: To choose a regular swimming pool, it is necessary to have a pool that is disinfected and hygienic. After swimming, you need to clean your eyes, nose, and mouth, and your body thoroughly. This season is also a high incidence season for herpetic pharyngitis and hand foot mouth disease. Children may experience symptoms such as high fever, full mouth blisters, inability to eat, and poor sleep. Experts remind that these two diseases are extremely similar in symptoms and transmission routes, and there is no specific drug for either. Parents can encourage their children to have a light diet and supplement with vitamins. Mild cases usually subside after about 5 to 7 days of fever, and symptoms will also improve accordingly. Zhang Qiang, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Pediatric Infection at Anhui Children's Hospital: If a child has recurrent fever that cannot be relieved with conventional antipyretic drugs, accompanied by poor mental state, or other serious conditions such as severe refusal to eat, infrequent urination, respiratory system, cough, which affect rest and diet, it is necessary to go to the hospital. How to determine if the water quality of a swimming pool meets the standard? Preventing 'swimming pool diseases' ultimately requires choosing swimming pools and water parks that meet hygiene standards. What are the criteria for determining the water quality of swimming pools? How do ordinary people judge whether the water quality meets the standard? Let's learn together. Every summer, health supervision departments in various regions conduct hygiene inspections on swimming venues under their jurisdiction, with a focus on hygiene permits, personnel health certificates, water quality testing announcements, and pool water circulation purification and disinfection systems. Liu Hongying from the Supervision Department 2 of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention: This kit is used to detect the indicator of free residual chlorine, which is the most important indicator reflecting the disinfection ability of swimming pools. Free residual chlorine refers to the chlorine component remaining in pool water after chlorination disinfection. Maintaining a certain amount of free residual chlorine concentration can ensure the long-term and sustained bactericidal ability of swimming pool water. When the free residual chlorine content in pool water exceeds the standard, it can cause swimmers to have sensitive skin or a certain degree of eye discomfort. The national standard for free residual chlorine requires a concentration of 0.3 to 1.0 milligrams per liter. Citizens can pay attention to the public notice of the swimming venue on the same day when swimming. For ordinary citizens, there are also some tips to quickly understand the water quality in the swimming pool. Citizens can check the underwater lane through the water surface after entering the swimming venue. The farther you look, the better the clarity of the swimming pool. You can also slightly splash the water in the pool. If these small bubbles can dissipate on their own within 10 to 15 seconds, it means that the oxidation ability of the pool water is good. (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING Responsible editor:CAICAI

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