
This seasoning is toxic and carcinogenic when heated? You may have been deceived for too many years


In recent years, many people have lost sight of MSG in their kitchens. Both young and elderly people choose to eat less or no monosodium glutamate, fearing that 'consuming monosodium glutamate is harmful to the body', but is this really the case? Can 01 monosodium glutamate really cause cancer after heating? People believe that "monosodium glutamate causes cancer" is mainly due to rumors at the time that "sodium pyroglutamine produced by heating monosodium glutamate is harmful to the human body". The chemical name of monosodium glutamate is sodium glutamate, although a small portion of sodium glutamate does convert into sodium pyroglutamate during prolonged high-temperature cooking. But this proportion is very small, and sodium pyroglutamine is safe for the human body, not only has extremely low toxicity, but also does not cause cancer. Long term high-temperature generation of sodium pyroglutamine only causes monosodium glutamate to lose its freshness and affect its freshness enhancement effect. Therefore, some product introductions may prompt "add monosodium glutamate before cooking". Does consuming too much MSG really lead to zinc deficiency? There is currently no evidence that sodium glutamate can lead to zinc deficiency. It is rumored online that the sodium glutamate contained in monosodium glutamate, after being absorbed by the human body, will combine with zinc in the blood to convert it into zinc glutamate, which is directly excreted from the body. Therefore, eating too much monosodium glutamate can lead to zinc deficiency. It is understood that zinc glutamate itself was developed and used as a supplement to zinc. There is some evidence to prove that the bioavailability of zinc glutamate is higher than that of zinc gluconate, which is currently the most common on the market, contrary to rumors. That is to say, zinc glutamate not only does not cause "zinc deficiency", but may also be a good "zinc supplement" material. Is 03 monosodium glutamate really synthesized through chemical synthesis? According to the National Food Safety Standard for Monosodium Glutamate (GB2720-2015), monosodium glutamate is a white crystalline or powdered seasoning made from carbohydrates (such as starch, corn, molasses, and other sugars) as raw materials and fermented, extracted, neutralized, crystallized, separated, and dried by microorganisms (such as Corynebacterium glutamicum), which has a special fresh taste. From the perspective of technology, it can be seen that monosodium glutamate is not a chemical synthetic product; It is made from grains as raw materials through fermentation and purification, similar to the manufacturing process of rice wine and aged vinegar, and is itself a safe substance. The main component of monosodium glutamate is sodium glutamate. According to the "Standard for the Use of Food Additives" (GB2760-2014), sodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer that can be used in moderation in various types of food according to production needs. Is 04 chicken essence really healthier than monosodium glutamate? Under the rumor that "monosodium glutamate is not healthy", some netizens have turned to "healthier" chicken essence. But in fact, as a composite seasoning, one of the main components of chicken essence is monosodium glutamate (monosodium glutamate), which is added with food additives such as salt, sugar, and nucleotides to make the freshness effect more obvious. Therefore, there is no question of who is healthier than who, and circle friends can consume it in moderation according to their needs. Is there really no problem with 05 monosodium glutamate? Eating too much can be harmful, and the biggest problem with monosodium glutamate is that it contains sodium. We all know that excessive sodium intake can increase hypertension. Monosodium glutamate is a sodium salt of glutamate, which, like salt, contains a lot of sodium. Eating too much of it can also be harmful to health. And the sodium glutamate contained in monosodium glutamate, as well as other kitchen seasonings(

Edit:qihang Responsible editor:xinglan


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