
Interpretation of the first national comprehensive risk survey of natural disasters


The national comprehensive risk survey of natural disasters is a major survey of national conditions and strength. At present, how is the census work progressing? What is the application of census results? Focusing on the topic of social concern, at the press conference of the National New Office of the People's Republic of China held on the 15th, the relevant heads of several departments introduced the work of the first national comprehensive risk survey of natural disasters. Billions of national disaster risk element data were obtained. On May 31, 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the Notice on the First National Comprehensive Natural Disaster Risk Survey. In the past three years, all member units and regions of the leading group for the first national comprehensive natural disaster risk survey under the State Council have adhered to the principle of "unified national leadership, division of labor and cooperation among departments, local responsibility at different levels, and joint participation by all parties" and the working steps of "pilot first, moderately expanded, and comprehensively expanded", and have worked hard to overcome the impact of the epidemic situation and carry out the survey. "A total of billions of data on national disaster risk factors have been obtained, and the tasks of general survey, data quality inspection and collection have been fully completed. At present, the survey data are being used to carry out disaster risk assessment and zoning at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels," said Zheng Guoguang, Secretary-General of the National Disaster Reduction Commission and Director of the Office of the First National Comprehensive Natural Disaster Risk Survey Leading Group of the State Council. The survey is the basis of this disaster risk survey, and many "firsts" have been obtained. Zheng Guoguang said that, for example, the census survey was carried out under the unified technical system for the first time, promoting the organic integration of disaster-causing data and disaster-bearing body data, and promoting the co-construction and sharing of data among departments; It is the first time to fully understand the "family background" of the national housing construction and municipal facilities, and form massive data of housing construction with spatial location and physical properties, especially the first time that urban and rural housing construction has "digital ID card"; It is the first time to find out the "family background" of the national forest fuel load, which provides an important basis for the prevention and control of forest and grassland fire in China; For the first time, the incomplete data of county-level historical disasters in the long time series since 1978 has been supplemented, and the disaster data and rescue and relief situation of 89 major earthquake disasters, floods, typhoons, forest and grassland fires since 1949 have been comprehensively investigated; For the first time, the national comprehensive disaster reduction capacity survey data set covering the "national - provincial - city - county - township - community village - household" was carried out and formed. Zheng Guoguang said that through the investigation, we have basically found out the bottom number of natural disaster risk hazards in the country, identified the disaster resistance capacity of key areas, and laid a solid foundation for comprehensive disaster risk assessment and zoning. We should take multiple measures to organize and implement the census, which has a wide range of tasks and is difficult to organize and implement. "We have mobilized nearly 5 million people to participate in the whole country, involving all townships, streets and village (neighborhood) committees in the country." Chen Sheng, deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the First National Comprehensive Natural Disaster Risk Survey of the State Council, and director of the Risk Monitoring and Comprehensive Disaster Reduction Division of the Emergency Management Department, introduced that in the process of organization and implementation, we have achieved "four places", namely, unified organization and leadership, division of labor and coordination of departments Local level responsibility is in place, and all parties are involved in coordination. The first national natural disaster of the State Council

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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