
The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of religious affairs answered reporters' questions on the measures for the administration of Internet religious information services


In order to regulate the administration of religious affairs on the Internet and implement the relevant provisions of the regulations on religious affairs, the State Administration of religious affairs, the state Internet Information Office, the Ministry of industry and information technology The five departments of the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of national security recently announced the measures for the administration of Internet religious information services (hereinafter referred to as the measures). Recently, the relevant person in charge of the State Administration of religious affairs answered reporters' questions on the measures. 1、 What is the background of the measures? A: in recent years, Internet websites, applications, forums, blogs, microblogs, public accounts, instant messaging tools and webcast involving religious content have sprung up one after another, and some notable problems have emerged, mainly in that some organizations and individuals set up virtual places for religious activities and religious colleges on the Internet to engage in religious activities and carry out religious education, Disturbing and impacting the normal order of religious affairs management; Under the banner of religion, some engage in various forms of illegal fund-raising and feudal superstition on the Internet, damaging the physical and mental health and property safety of the masses; Some make remarks on the Internet that violate the party's religious policy, or incite religious fanaticism, or slander and attack religions, or provoke inter religious contradictions, affecting the normal order in the religious field and social harmony and stability; Some publicize religious extremism and separatism on the Internet, incite and plan violent terrorist activities, undermine China's national unity and political stability, and endanger national security. Cyberspace is neither a "special zone for religious activities" nor a "enclave of religious public opinion". The network security law of the people's Republic of China and the measures for the administration of Internet information services stipulate Internet related matters including religion, and the regulations on religious affairs stipulate the principles of engaging in Internet religious information services and establish administrative licensing matters. In order to implement the above laws and regulations, it is necessary to refine relevant management measures by formulating the measures, make specific provisions on the conditions, authority, procedures and time limit of Internet religious information service license, and clarify the management responsibilities of relevant departments. From December 3 to 4, the national religious work conference was held in Beijing. The conference stressed the need to strengthen the management of religious affairs on the Internet. The formulation of the measures is an important measure to implement the spirit of the national religious work conference, an urgent need to ensure China's network security and ideological security, and an inevitable requirement to improve the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity of religious affairs. 2、 What is the legal basis for formulating the measures? A: the legal basis of the measures mainly includes the network security law of the people's Republic of China, the measures for the administration of Internet information services, the regulations on religious affairs, etc. Article 8 of the network security law of the people's Republic of China stipulates that "the national network information department shall be responsible for overall planning and coordination of network security work and relevant supervision and administration. The competent telecommunications department, public security department and other relevant organs under the State Council shall be responsible for network security protection, supervision and administration within their respective functions and responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws and administrative regulations." Article 5 of the measures for the administration of Internet information services stipulates: "If Internet information services such as news, publishing, education, medical care, drugs and medical devices require the examination and approval of relevant competent departments in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant provisions of the state, they shall be examined and approved by relevant competent departments in accordance with law before applying for business license or performing filing procedures." Article 47 of the regulations on religious affairs stipulates that "engaging in Internet religious information services shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state on the administration of Internet information services after being examined and approved by the Religious Affairs Department of the people's government at or above the provincial level." 3、 What are the main contents of the measures? A: the full text of the measures has 5 chapters and 36 articles, which are divided into general provisions, Internet religious information service license, Internet religious information service management, legal liability and supplementary provisions. The Measures specify that those engaged in Internet religious information services should apply to the Religious Affairs Department of the local people's government at or above the provincial level, and stipulate the license conditions, application materials, name of use, time limit for handling, etc. The Measures stipulate that religious information on the Internet shall not contain content; Regulate the subjects, ways, methods, contents and participants of online preaching and religious education and training in religious circles. In addition, no other organization or individual may preach on the Internet, carry out religious education and training, organize religious activities, collect donations in the name of religion, broadcast or record religious ceremonies Publish preaching content or forward and link relevant content. The measures require that platforms that have obtained Internet religious information licenses should sign agreements with registered users of the platform to verify the true identity information of registered users; Platforms without licenses shall not provide Internet religious information publishing services for users. The measures define the regulatory responsibilities of the State Administration of religious affairs, the state Internet Information Office, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of national security, and standardize relevant administrative acts. 4、 How does the measures define the scope of Internet religious information services? What are the conditions for engaging in this service? A: Internet religious information services include Internet religious information release services, reprint services, communication platform services and other services related to Internet religious information. Through Internet websites, applications, forums, blogs, microblogs, public accounts, instant messaging tools, webcast and other forms, provide the public with information services such as religious teachings and rules, religious knowledge, religious culture and religious activities in the form of text, pictures, audio and video, which belong to the scope of Internet religious information services. To engage in this service, you need to meet the following conditions: 1 The applicant is a legal person organization or an organization without legal personality legally established within the territory of the people's Republic of China, and its legal representative or main person in charge is a mainland resident with Chinese nationality; 2. Have information reviewers who are familiar with national religious policies and regulations and relevant religious knowledge; 3. Have a sound Internet religious information service management system; 4. Have sound information security management system and safe and controllable technical guarantee measures; 5. Have places, facilities and funds matching the services; 6. The applicant and his / her legal representative or principal responsible person have no criminal record or act in violation of the relevant provisions of the state on the administration of religious affairs in the past three years. In addition, the measures clearly stipulates that overseas organizations or individuals and their organizations established in China shall not engage in Internet religious information services in China. 5、 Do individuals need to apply for an Internet religious information service license to publish Internet religious information? A: the measures stipulates that applicants engaged in Internet religious information services should be legal persons or unincorporated organizations established according to law within the territory of the people's Republic of China. Individual users can publish Internet religious information on the platform that has obtained the Internet religious information service license. The measures require that subjects engaged in Internet religious information dissemination platform services should strengthen the management of registered users of the platform, and standardize and restrict individuals' behavior of publishing Internet religious information by signing agreements with users. An Internet information dissemination platform without a license shall not provide users with internet religious information publishing services. 6、 What are the requirements of the measures for Preaching on the Internet? A: there are mainly the following provisions: first, the main body. The Measures specify that it must be religious groups, religious institutions and temples and churches that have obtained the Internet religious information service license; The second is the platform, which must be and only limited to the Internet websites, applications and forums built by itself according to law; Third, only religious teaching staff and teachers of religious colleges and universities can preach; The fourth is the content. We should explain the contents in the doctrines and rules conducive to social harmony, progress of the times, health and civilization, and guide religious citizens to love the country and abide by the law. The fifth is management, which requires the personnel participating in preaching to implement real name management. These provisions not only give legal religious groups, institutions, temples, churches and religious staff the right to preach on the Internet, but also effectively prevent illegal religious organizations and individuals from soliciting believers and carrying out illegal activities on the Internet. 7、 What are the provisions of the measures on religious education and training? A: Religious Colleges and universities are important bases for cultivating patriotic and religious reserve talents and training in-service religious teaching staff. Religious colleges and universities can carry out Internet religious education and training according to the actual needs of running a school and the relevant provisions of the national Internet information service management. At the same time, the measures regulate the subjects, platforms and objects of religious education and training carried out by religious colleges and universities on the Internet. The main body can only be religious colleges and universities that have obtained the Internet religious information service license; The platform is limited to private internet websites, applications, forums, etc. built by itself according to law, and must be connected externally by virtual private network; The personnel participating in education and training can only be religious college students and religious teaching staff, and their identity shall be verified. This provision not only reflects the respect for religious traditional education, but also reflects the keeping pace with the times in the management of religious affairs according to law. 8、 After the promulgation of the measures, what are the next steps? A: Internet religious information service management involves many departments with specific responsibilities. Next, the State Administration of religious affairs, the state Internet Information Office, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of national security will closely cooperate and cooperate according to the division of responsibilities to ensure the implementation of the measures. First, we should seriously organize study. Fully understand the significance, basic principles and main systems of the formulation of the measures, and accurately grasp the spiritual essence and work requirements of the measures. Second, we should vigorously carry out training. Strengthen the training of staff of relevant departments and Internet related practitioners. The training work should be implemented level by level and layer by layer, and the measures should be based on the network and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Third, we should strengthen guidance and promotion. We will comprehensively promote the implementation of the measures, effectively solve the prominent problems of Internet religion, and strengthen the management of Internet religious affairs according to law by implementing the licensing of Internet religious information service subjects, strengthening the regulatory responsibilities of government competent departments, and carrying out supervision and inspection. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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