Is the exam pressure high? Try this trick to drive away anxiety


The exam season is approaching, and the psychology departments of major hospitals will also experience a peak season of anxiety among candidates. Is anxiety necessarily a bad thing? What kind of anxiety requires professional intervention? What can parents do to help their children pass the exam season smoothly? Today, clinical psychologists are here to answer questions and clarify doubts for candidates and parents. Excessive anxiety can affect exam results. Moderate exam anxiety is a positive psychological state that helps candidates maintain alertness, focus, and stimulate their enthusiasm to tackle challenges. To a certain extent, exam anxiety can increase the adaptability of candidates and help them better adapt to the exam environment. However, excessive anxiety can have a negative impact on exam results, which may lead to excessive psychological pressure on candidates, affecting their clarity of thinking and memory, and ultimately affecting their efficiency and accuracy in answering questions. In addition, excessive nervousness may also lead to unstable performance during exams, hindered performance on the spot, and even problems such as memory loss and lack of concentration, thereby affecting exam results. For candidates, the key is to maintain moderate exam anxiety, control the level of anxiety, and maintain a good psychological state in order to perform at their best during the exam. These "heart ailments" can be sought from professional doctors. If a candidate experiences obvious anxiety during each major exam, leading to unsatisfactory exam results, professional medical assistance may be needed. This situation indicates that candidates may have persistent anxiety issues that require evaluation and intervention. If a candidate experiences persistent restlessness in the early stages of an exam, it can greatly affect their learning outcomes and daily life, and may require professional medical assistance. If a candidate experiences physical discomfort before or during the exam, such as insomnia, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc., it may be related to exam anxiety and requires professional medical assistance for evaluation and treatment. If a candidate's emotional experience is ignored and they feel anxious themselves, but their parents mistakenly believe that the student has an outgoing personality and will not experience anxiety, professional medical assistance may be needed to further evaluate the candidate's emotional issues. Parental anxiety can affect children. Sometimes, parents themselves may also experience anxiety caused by exams, which can lead to the misconception that students are not working hard or struggling with their children's problems, resulting in insufficient emotional support for candidates. In this case, parents can also seek professional medical help to understand the impact of their own anxiety on candidates, and learn to effectively support and guide candidates. Biofeedback technology can alleviate exam anxiety in psychological clinics of medical institutions. Doctors will timely recommend biofeedback technology to help candidates alleviate exam anxiety based on their situation. This is a method of measuring and providing feedback on individual physiological indicators, which can help individuals learn to self regulate their body's physiological responses. Common biofeedback indicators include heart rate, respiratory rate, skin electrical activity, etc. Unlike simple exam taking techniques, biofeedback technology can help candidates establish healthy psychological adjustment mechanisms during long-term learning and examination processes. Candidates can see changes in their physiological indicators and regulate their body's physiological responses through training, such as regulating breathing, relaxing muscles, etc., starting from the root

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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