Hubei: Accelerating the Construction of an Important Strategic Support Point for the Rise of the Central Region


"Over the years, Hubei has bravely shouldered its mission and carried out practical work, achieving significant results in the construction of support points. We have confidence and determination to take on the important role of support points and demonstrate greater achievements in promoting the rise of the central region in the new era." Wang Zhonglin, Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor, said at the "Promoting High quality Development" series theme press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 7th. Wang Zhonglin introduced that Hubei has always adhered to the top priority of development, made every effort to adapt to the situation, stabilize growth, and improve levels, maintaining a steady and progressive development trend. Especially in recent years, despite being severely affected by the epidemic, Hubei's development has been pushing forward and rebounding all the way. The GDP grew by 6.1% in the first quarter of this year, indicating a strong start and a good start to the economic operation. Promoting the rise of the central region is an important decision made by the Party Central Committee. Wang Zhonglin said that Hubei has made a systematic deployment on "striving to promote the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Hubei and accelerating the building of an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region", and further clarified the five functional orientations, overall ideas and key tasks of the fulcrum construction. The five functional orientations are to accelerate the construction of important nodes in the domestic circulation and domestic and international dual circulation, national science and technology innovation and manufacturing base, national land security service base, national water security strategic guarantee zone, and national high-quality agricultural product production zone. This is the responsibility of the strategic fulcrum and also the key direction we need to strive for He stated that he will focus on the following areas with great effort. One is to accelerate the energy level leap and continuously enhance the strategic support of the fulcrum. To consolidate the sustained and positive development momentum, promote the effective improvement of economic quality and reasonable growth of quantity, and strive for the total economic output to cross two trillion yuan in the next five years. The second is to strengthen innovation drive and continuously enhance the hard core competitiveness of the fulcrum. Adhere to the guidance of "utilization" to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, accelerate the construction of Wuhan's science and technology innovation center with national influence, break through the development of five advantageous industries such as optoelectronic information, strengthen and optimize the "51020" modern industrial cluster (5 trillion level pillar industries, 10 500 billion level advantageous industries, and 20 100 billion level characteristic industries), and create a national highland for the development of new productive forces. The third is to firmly expand opening up and continuously enhance the cohesion of the key elements of the fulcrum. Make good use of open channels such as Huahu International Airport, Yangtze River Shipping Center, and China Europe Express, build strong open platforms such as Hubei Free Trade Zone, and international industrial parks such as China Germany, China France, and China Japan, actively build a high-level open economic system, and create a more competitive inland open new highland. The fourth is a comprehensive green transformation, continuously enhancing the ecological carrying capacity of the fulcrum. Promote the synchronous development of the four modernizations based on comprehensive watershed management, implement the 10 major actions to improve quality and efficiency in the protection of the Yangtze River, build 10 green development systems such as circular economy, build a beautiful Hubei, and accelerate the green rise. The fifth is to promote collaborative integration and continuously enhance the radiating power of the fulcrum. Strengthen the three major metropolitan areas of Wuhan, Xiangyang, and Yijingjing, strengthen cooperation and linkage with sister provinces in central China, deeply connect with the Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, accelerate the construction of a national strategic hinterland, better integrate and support the new development pattern, and make greater contributions to accelerating the rise of the central region in Hubei. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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