Approximately 766000 mainland tourists visited Hong Kong during the May Day holiday, a year-on-year increase of 22%


On May 2nd, tourists checked in and took photos at a popular attraction in Hong Kong. On May 2nd, tourists lined up outside a restaurant in Hong Kong. On May 2nd, tourists checked in and took photos at a popular attraction in Hong Kong. The spokesperson stated that during the 5-day holiday period, the overall number of inbound mainland passengers met expectations, and the entry and exit ports and various aspects of passenger reception operations were smooth overall. During the holiday period, approximately 570 inbound travel groups from mainland China arrived at Hong Kong, involving approximately 19000 passengers. On May 2nd, tourists checked in and took photos at a popular attraction in Hong Kong. The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Special Administrative Region Government, Yang Runxiong, said that although most of the holiday was affected by rain, the number of mainland tourists visiting Hong Kong met the initial estimate, bringing over HKD 2 billion in revenue to the Hong Kong economy, and the market was also very lively. The SAR government will summarize its experience to better prepare for future communication and coordination work, as well as to enhance the experience of tourists visiting Hong Kong, in order to welcome them. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Lubaikang    Responsible editor:Chenze

Source:Xinhua network

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