How to prevent pertussis?


On April 9, Hainan Disease Control WeChat official account released information that whooping cough is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Bordetella pertussis, which is a legally reported Class B infectious disease. Typical cases can show cough lasting for 2-3 months, so it is called "whooping cough". The long course of pertussis is the most common understanding among people, and its typical manifestation is paroxysmal spasmodic cough. The cough appears suddenly and violently, but there are often no obvious abnormal manifestations between episodes. It is reported that pertussis is transmitted through droplets. Infected individuals are the main source of infection, and for infants and young children, parents or other cohabitants infected with pertussis are the main source of infection. From the age of onset, pertussis is more common in infants and young children, with the highest susceptibility rate in children under 5 years old. It should be noted that for infants under 3 months of age who have not reached the starting age of vaccination with pertussis, the disease poses a greater risk. After infection, it may manifest as sudden asphyxia or cyanosis, and may not necessarily have typical cough symptoms, making it easy to be missed or misdiagnosed. Infants with pertussis are prone to complications such as pneumonia, encephalopathy, pulmonary hypertension, and even death. At present, national monitoring data shows that the reported severe cases and deaths of pertussis mainly occur in these infants. Among hospitalized cases of pertussis, children under 6 months old and those who have not received the pertussis vaccine account for a relatively high proportion. "But it does not mean that other age groups are completely 'insulated' from the disease." Hainan CDC reminds that it has been found in clinical practice that teenagers and adults can also suffer from pertussis. Moreover, due to mild and atypical symptoms, many people are not aware that they may have whooping cough. Coupled with a lack of prevention, they unknowingly become a potential source of infection, ultimately increasing the risk of infants developing whooping cough. How to prevent the onset of pertussis? Timely and full vaccination with pertussis containing vaccines is the most economical and effective way to prevent pertussis, which can effectively reduce the risk of infection and severe cases. According to the current immunization program for pertussis containing vaccines in China, children should receive one dose of pertussis containing vaccines at 3, 4, 5, and 18 months of age. Children of appropriate age should receive vaccines containing pertussis ingredients in a timely and complete manner, and those who have not received them should receive vaccinations as soon as possible. Develop good living habits and maintain good hygiene habits. Wash hands frequently and ventilate regularly. Cover your mouth and nose with elbows or tissues when coughing or sneezing. Pay attention to a reasonable schedule and appropriate physical exercise. Wearing masks scientifically is an important measure to prevent respiratory infectious diseases and can effectively reduce the transmission of pathogens. Parents who experience symptoms of respiratory infections such as coughing should wear masks scientifically when in close contact with and taking care of infants and young children to reduce their risk of infection. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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