The gross domestic product of the ocean has ranked first in the country for 29 consecutive years! Guangdong comprehensively promotes the construction of a strong marine province


On February 4th, 2024, the Guangdong Provincial Natural Resources Work Conference was held in Guangzhou. The meeting summarized the highlights and achievements of 2023 and deployed key tasks for 2024. The meeting pointed out that over the past year, Guangdong Province has innovatively launched the "Zhuoyue · Nature" initiative in the natural resource system, leading high-quality development with high-quality party building; Establish a "four level and three category" national spatial planning system to provide spatial support for building a regional economic layout with complementary advantages and high-quality development; Land, sea, forest, and mineral resources should be fully protected, and the level of factor protection should significantly increase; Vigorously promote comprehensive land consolidation throughout the region, and support the development of the "Hundred and Ten Million Project"; Establish and implement a "field chief system" to achieve annual "dual balance" in farmland protection; Overfulfilling the task of disposing of unused and unused land approved by the state, and continuously ranking among the top in terms of land conservation and intensive use in the country; Significant steps have been taken in the construction of a strong maritime province, with the gross marine product ranking first in the country for 29 consecutive years; Deeply promote the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong, and form a group of modern Guangdong models of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature; Effectively preventing and resolving risks and hidden dangers, resources benefiting the people and advancing to a higher level; The level of data empowerment is steadily improving, and the construction of smart natural resources is leading nationwide. The meeting clarified the overall plan for natural resources work in Guangdong Province in 2024 and made seven deployments for key work in 2024. One is to adhere to the principle of "ensuring everything is guaranteed" and allocate sufficient resources to fully support the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the development of the real economy. Adhere to the principle of "projects follow the plan, elements follow the project", and effectively ensure that space is kept as much as possible, indicators are guaranteed as much as possible, and approval is done quickly and quickly. The second is to accelerate the comprehensive land consolidation, expansion, and quality improvement throughout the region, and assist in the in-depth implementation of the "Million and Ten Thousand Project". Focusing on the first batch of typical counties and towns under the "Ten Million Project" and the existing 42 pilot projects, we will promote the expansion and improvement of land quality, strive to complete an investment of over 100 billion yuan, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of land protection and utilization with abundant farmland, concentrated villages, industrial clusters, and beautiful ecology. The third is to comprehensively implement the "field chief system" and firmly adhere to the red line of farmland protection. Guided by the "field chief system", we will play the role of a "baton" for assessment, strictly implement major requirements such as balancing quantity and quality, strict law enforcement, systematic promotion, and sustainable utilization. The fourth is to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong maritime province and accelerate the construction of a "new maritime Guangdong". Adhere to the principle of developing towards the sea and striving for strength towards the sea, focus on optimizing the development pattern of the marine economy, expanding the blue development space, and creating a high-quality development strategic location. The fifth is to vigorously implement major ecological protection and restoration projects, and accelerate the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong. We will firmly grasp the strategic measure of green and beautiful ecological construction in Guangdong, continue to make efforts and make long-term contributions, and continuously improve the "green content", "carbon reduction", and "gold content" of development. Sixth, we will make every effort to prevent and resolve major risks and hidden dangers, and promote high-quality development and high-level security interaction. The seventh is to strengthen the foundation of resource asset management and comprehensively improve the efficiency of natural resource governance. Vigorously promote digital empowerment, application empowerment, and technology empowerment, fully integrate into the construction of "digital government", and improve the level of digital and intelligent management of natural resources. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

Source:People's Daily

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