"I am a party member, I will go first," said Zang Xingzu, a soldier born in the 2000s, as the rescue efforts in the disaster area are ahead


"I am a party member, let me go first." - Li Lei, a journalist from the People's Liberation Army Daily, and Cao Shikai, a correspondent. "My grandfather is a veteran of the Korean War. He often says, 'We are soldiers of the people, from the people, serving the people...' On December 25th, in Cuijia Village, Liuji Township, Jishishan County, Gansu Province, a private named Zang Xingzu, who had just finished unloading 6 tons of supplies with his comrades, wiped sweat from his forehead and told the reporter. This post-00s soldier is the youngest member of the Engineering Squadron of a certain detachment of the Gansu Armed Police Force. Under the influence of his grandfather, he studied hard and performed excellently from a young age. During his college years, he proudly joined the Communist Party and achieved his dream of joining the military last year. After arriving at the disaster area, whether it was loading and unloading supplies, setting up tents, clearing roads, or demolishing dangerous walls, he always rushed up and rushed to work. On the afternoon of December 22nd, the officers and soldiers of the squadron were transporting supplies at Cuijia Village Primary School. At around 17:00, the villagers of Cuijia Village requested the assistance of officers and soldiers in setting up tents. The squadron cadre Wu Lingxiao immediately rushed with several soldiers, including Zang Xingzu. "I'm a party member, I'll go first!" After reaching the location, Zang Xingzu without saying a word, lifted the support pole and cooperated with his comrades, skillfully building the tent. As the night approached and the chill hit, the temperature dropped to over minus 10 degrees Celsius. However, Zang Xingzu and his comrades were busy and sweating profusely. "Class monitor, step on my shoulder..." When installing a stove and chimney for the tent, without a ladder, Zang Xingzu squatted on the snow, gesturing for class monitor Xie Yanqi to step on his shoulder while doing the homework. After the installation of the stove and chimney was completed, Zang Xingzu found bricks and sand nearby to reinforce the tent: "This way, the tent won't leak air, and the people can stay warm..." During the days of rescue in the disaster area, Zang Xingzu often remembered the battle story that his grandfather had told him. "For the happiness of the people, Grandpa and his comrades braved gunfire and bullets to charge forward. What reason do I have to back down?" "Xingzu, I saw the news of your army's earthquake relief. You must be brave, worthy of this military uniform, worthy of your party membership..." During the mission, Zang Xingzu saw the message sent by Grandpa. He replied, "Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely remember your teachings and become a good soldier serving the people." (Liao Xinshe)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia


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