Guang'an Watching the Tide | Upholding the Wind and Strengthening Discipline to Escort Rural Revitalization


Recently, the Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing, which emphasized the need to improve work methods, strengthen work style construction, promote investigation and research, comply with natural laws, economic laws, and social development laws, and grasp the timing and efficiency of work. Recently, Hunan, Fujian, Guizhou and other regions reported a number of typical cases of misconduct and corruption in the field of rural revitalization, further enforcing discipline and rules, strengthening warning and deterrence, and providing strong guarantees for promoting rural revitalization and promoting common prosperity for all people. The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized. The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that we should actively carry out special rectification of misconduct and corruption in the field of rural revitalization, strengthen supervision and inspection of key projects, major funds, and important links, safeguard national assets and collective property, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers. As a systematic project, the depth, breadth, and difficulty of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization are no less than poverty alleviation. To turn the blueprint into reality, strict discipline and strong work style are required as guarantees. In February of this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the "Opinions on Carrying out Special Rectification of Unhealthy Practices and Corruption in the Field of Rural Revitalization". Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels, based on their functional responsibilities, resolutely rectify all prominent problems that affect the implementation of central policies, and resolutely punish all corrupt behaviors that harm the interests of the masses. The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs should further enhance their sense of political responsibility, effectively shoulder and grasp the responsibility, and continue to work hard to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, continuously achieving substantial progress and phased results. We will provide precise supervision to safeguard rural revitalization, promote the implementation of policies that benefit and enrich the people, and standardize the exercise of grassroots power. With the solid promotion of common prosperity and rural revitalization, a series of policies benefiting and enriching the people have been promulgated and implemented, and a large number of funding projects have been invested in various work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. We need to strengthen political supervision, strengthen supervision and inspection around the policies of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that benefit and benefit the people, and promote the implementation and implementation of these policies. Starting from the practical problems strongly reflected by the farmers, we will strengthen daily supervision and timely carry out special supervision to provide strong guarantees for strengthening the village and enriching the people, optimizing public services, and so on. Integrate and utilize grassroots supervision forces on a larger scale, strengthen cooperation with departments such as finance, agriculture and rural areas, and auditing, carry out cross inspection and audit linkage, and consolidate work synergy. We will work hard to correct formalism and bureaucracy in the implementation of policies and the promotion of work, resolutely correct problems such as "turning over Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle)", changing channels, breaking orders and prohibitions, shifting blame and shirking responsibilities. Smooth the channels for public supervision, give full play to the role of public supervision, let the public know that there is supervision and participate in supervision, and continuously win the trust and support of the general public with new achievements in rectifying conduct and discipline. Serious investigation and resolute punishment of "fly greed" and "ant decay" in the field of rural revitalization, effectively safeguarding the interests of the masses. At present, the stock of "micro corruption" in the field of rural revitalization has not been cleared, and hidden and mutated misconduct and corruption problems occur from time to time. Some people with ulterior motives have extended their "black hands" into the field of rural revitalization, some have fraudulently embezzled, intercepted, and misappropriated agricultural subsidy funds, some have engaged in covert operations and power money transactions in engineering construction, and some have manipulated the collective "three assets" of the village

Edit:Wangchen    Responsible editor:Jia Jia

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