Opening the window to the world-the sidelights of the 10th Army International Cadet Week


Waving goodbye to the students from various military academies participating in the 10th Army International Student Week, Wang Zhongrui, a military officer from the Army Engineering University, vaguely saw a scene from 15 years ago. 15 years ago, Wang Zhongrui participated in the second International Student Week as a student. On the day when the activity ended, they, who were just like classmates and teenagers, hugged each other tightly and bid farewell with reluctance; Fifteen years later, Wang Zhongrui has become the organizer of this event. Seeing the students who were reluctant to part ways after a week of "fighting side by side", Wang Zhongrui seems to have seen himself from back then... Wang Zhongrui's on-site insights reflect the development process of the Army International Student Week. Since 2005, the former PLA University of Science and Technology has organized multinational military exchange activities. That year, a total of 17 students from 10 foreign military academies participated, pioneering the hosting of the "International Student Week" by our military academies. In the following 18 years, this week continued to innovate and develop, becoming a stage to showcase the talents of students from various countries and a bridge to connect the friendship and cooperation of military academies from various countries. From November 5th to 13th, 70 students from 23 military academies in 11 countries gathered at the Army Engineering University at the foot of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing to participate in the 10th Army International Student Week. Let us follow in the footsteps of journalists, observe their growth and transformation through this international window, and feel the power of dreams and the weight of missions together with them. Opening the "Window" to View the World - Side Story of the 10th Army International Student Week ■ Special correspondent Zhu Henggang, Xiao Liming, and correspondent Guo Mingyu from the People's Liberation Army Daily. Chinese students explain robots to foreign military students at the Robotics Club of the Army Engineering University. Li Xunpu captured the scene of a traditional Chinese cultural event, and Chinese and foreign students watched the face changing performance of Chinese cultural heritage. Chen Jinlin photographed the scene of traditional Chinese cultural activities, while foreign military students learned to write calligraphy with a brush. Photo by Li Xunpu: "The growth cycle is gradually enriching in the international window, and also meets the most beautiful original intention in the flow of time." "Based on the future battlefield, the trend of digitalization and miniaturization of combat forces will become increasingly apparent." Omar, a student from the Egyptian Military Technology Institute, has his own views on the digital evolution of the future battlefield. The keynote speech is a set action for every Army International Student Week, mainly divided into two parts: keynote speech and defense discussion. The most eye-catching part is the defense discussion section. The theme of this Army International Student Week speech is "Junior Officer Command Ability to Adapt to Future Warfare.". At the defense discussion site, Chinese and foreign students brainstormed around this topic. From new energy to 5G networks, from artificial intelligence to smart armies... Chinese and foreign students speak freely, and "leadership" has become the most frequently used term in seminars. As soon as Omar finished speaking, Chinese student Wang Jiaxuan put forward her own opinion: "In the construction of the military, commanders are the key." In her view, courage to take on responsibilities, strategic planning, and precision are the main abilities and qualities that military commanders need to possess. Chinese and foreign students stepped onto the podium one by one, expressing their understanding and views. Together, the students learned from each other, discussed together, and collided their thinking, exploring the embryonic form of future war models, and showcasing the military concepts of students from various countries. At the Army Engineering University Chess Club, a simulated battle

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia

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