The Shanghai center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong was established: to establish the Yangtze River Delta hub


The Shanghai center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was established in Yangpu District on the 28th, the Yangpu District Government of Shanghai announced on the 29th. At the establishment ceremony, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Yangpu District Government signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, and the Hong Kong China University Innovation Expo Hong Kong Shanghai Base was also unveiled, marking the further expansion of science and innovation cooperation between Hong Kong China University and key cities in the mainland. It is understood that after its establishment, the Shanghai center of HKCUHK will become a teaching point for HKCUHK courses in the mainland, and carry out postgraduate courses jointly organized with Shanghai National Accounting Institute and Oceanwide International Finance School of Fudan University; Provide a venue for communication, entrepreneurship, internships, professional training, and academic activities for Hong Kong Chinese university students and alumni; Carry out cooperation projects with strategic partners such as Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, and Nanjing University in the Yangtze River Delta region; Support the interdisciplinary research team of HKUST to strengthen research collaboration and knowledge transfer with research institutions in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta across different fields. The Chinese University of Hong Kong has strong academic and research capabilities, and is a research-oriented comprehensive university with Nobel Prize, Fields Prize, and Turing Prize winners. In order to further integrate into the mainland's economic and educational development process, the school has previously clearly proposed a plan to establish a Shanghai center to connect with Shanghai's advantageous resources. The Yangpu District Government of Shanghai launched strategic cooperation with HKCUHK this time, taking HKCUHK Shanghai center as the platform, jointly exploring the scientific and technological innovation paradigm, jointly cultivating world-class talents, and continuously promoting HKCUHK Shanghai center to become a benchmark for school local cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta and even in the whole country. At the same time, the inaugurated Hong Kong Zhongda Innovation Expo Port Shanghai Base, jointly built by the district and school, will serve as an incubation platform for the Shanghai center to provide one-stop innovation and entrepreneurship support for the transformation and industrialization of related scientific research achievements. HKUST will rely on advantageous disciplines and fields such as genetics, genetics, precision medicine, information and automation technology, and focus on key industries such as artificial intelligence, life and health, digital economy, and intelligent manufacturing in Yangpu District. It will screen relatively mature hard technology projects, attract outstanding scientific research achievements to be implemented in Shanghai, and strengthen cooperation. (New News Agency)

Edit:XiaoWanNing    Responsible editor:YingLing

Source:Xinhua News Agency

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