The 'Global South' shares the same breath and destiny


The "Global South" originates from the "Southern countries" and is a collection of emerging market countries and developing countries. The political background of independence and autonomy, the historical mission of development and revitalization, and the common proposition of fairness and justice are the commonalities of countries in the "global south". In today's era, the collective rise of emerging market countries and developing countries represented by the BRICS countries is fundamentally changing the world landscape. As the world's largest developing country, China shares the same historical experiences and struggles as other developing countries, faces common development challenges and tasks, and has similar views and demands on the current international order and global governance. It is a natural member of the "Global South" community. For this reason, the 2004 report "Building a Global South" released by the United Nations Development Programme explicitly listed China as a "global southern" country. Independence and autonomy are the common political background of the "global South". Emerging market countries and developing countries have mostly emerged from the historical quagmire of colonialism, gone through countless hardships and sacrifices, gained national independence, and continuously explored development paths that are in line with their own national conditions. Therefore, they are deeply aware of the importance of independence and autonomy. Looking around the world today, power politics and hegemonic practices disrupt world peace and seriously threaten international peace and stability. Countries in the "global south" generally face the important mission of resisting external intervention and infiltration, maintaining political security and regime security. China firmly adheres to an independent and independent foreign policy of peace, always determining its position and policies based on the merits of the situation, upholding the basic norms of international relations, and upholding international fairness and justice. China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, adheres to the equality of all countries, regardless of size, strength, wealth, and wealth, respects the development path and social system independently chosen by the people of all countries, firmly opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, opposes Cold War thinking, opposes interference in other countries' internal affairs, and opposes the practice of double standards. This is also the common aspiration of developing countries. Algerian President Teben said that the current international situation is very unbalanced, and China has played a crucial role in promoting the construction of a more open and inclusive world and the formation of a more just and reasonable international order. Development and revitalization are the historical mission shared by the "global South". The pursuit of development and revitalization is a common aspiration of developing countries. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, China has been providing assistance to relevant countries, providing strong support for developing countries to strive for national independence and liberation, and promoting economic and social development, laying a solid foundation for long-term friendly cooperation between China and the vast number of developing countries. In the past decade, China has consistently placed development at the center of the international agenda, further consolidating international consensus for promoting development, and safeguarding the legitimate development rights of developing countries.

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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