Seven Tips for Preventing Heatstroke


This year's summer in Beijing came earlier than usual. Recently, several consecutive days of high temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius have caught citizens off guard, and there have also been cases of deaths due to heatstroke. How to timely prevent heatstroke and cool down has become a concern and concern for everyone. What factors may cause heat stroke? What symptoms represent heatstroke? What situations require timely medical attention? What are the response measures before seeking medical treatment? Let's have a chat today. What are common diseases in Q1 hot weather? Firstly, avoid heatstroke and sunburn; Secondly, avoid excessive craving for cold, such as excessive eating of raw materials, sudden cold and heat in the environment, which may lead to common summer diseases such as gastrointestinal spasms and colds; In addition, in high temperature weather, we should also be careful to prevent Food spoilage, pay attention to the method of food preservation, and watch out for acute gastroenteritis and other diseases. What is the cause of Q2 heat stroke? Heat stroke can generally be divided into premonitory heat stroke, mild heat stroke, and severe heat stroke based on its severity, with heat stroke being the most severe state of heat stroke. Heatstroke is mainly caused by various reasons, such as excessive heat production or inability to dissipate heat effectively, resulting in excessive body temperature. Heat stroke (i.e. severe heatstroke) can cause multiple organ dysfunction or failure, thereby endangering life. The human body dissipates heat mainly through four forms: radiation, evaporation, convection, and conduction. In high-temperature environments, radiation decreases, and evaporation decreases when the air humidity is greater than 75%. When the human body comes into direct contact with water, the heat dissipation speed can be increased by 20-30 times. Therefore, we can understand that various factors that affect the body's heat dissipation are the main causes of heatstroke. This includes excessive ambient temperature, high air humidity, poor ventilation, etc. It is worth noting that if a person is in a high temperature and humidity environment, engaging in intense exercise, physical labor, or suffering from certain febrile diseases, it will further cause the body to produce too much heat, or suffer from certain skin diseases that affect sweat gland function, leading to the body not being able to dissipate heat well, which will increase the risk of heatstroke. Q3 Which groups of people need special attention? Elderly and frail individuals, infants, and children should pay special attention to heatstroke prevention. People with some mental diseases, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, hyperthyroidism, congenital sweat gland deficiency and other diseases, as well as people with obesity, malnutrition, poor response or poor heat regulation are more likely to suffer heatstroke. In addition, in hot weather, people who need to work outdoors for a long time or with high intensity are also prone to heatstroke, which should be paid great attention to. What symptoms should be noted in Q4? When exposed to high temperatures, symptoms such as excessive sweating, fatigue, headache, dizziness, dizziness, dizziness, flushing, thirst, tinnitus, palpitations, etc. may be caused by heatstroke. If the symptoms continue to worsen, such as nausea, vomiting, pallor, muscle spasm, postural Hypotension, syncope, etc., seek medical advice in time. If the body temperature rises rapidly, reaching more than 40 degrees Celsius, or Hypotension shock, arrhythmia, Disorders of consciousness and other symptoms occur, it may be heat stroke. It is worth noting that if mild heatstroke is not treated, the condition may further worsen. Therefore, mild heatstroke should also be given attention and timely measures such as ventilation and cooling should be taken to alleviate symptoms. Q5 heatstroke

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