This year, China's express delivery business has exceeded 50 billion pieces, and e-commerce has greatly promoted the improvement of industry quality and efficiency


According to monitoring data from the National Postal Administration, as of May 31, China's express delivery business volume has reached 50 billion pieces this year, 155 days ahead of reaching 50 billion pieces in 2019 and 27 days ahead of 2022. Driven by the consumer market and the digital economy, China's express delivery industry has continued to develop rapidly and has become an important force serving the real economy. "Hong Yong, a think tank expert at the China Digital Real Estate Integration 50 Person Forum, said in an interview with Securities Daily that behind the monthly average" billion level "growth in express delivery business volume, it reflects the vitality of China's consumer market and changes in consumer choices, as well as the continuous growth of online consumption demand such as online shopping, Providing more business opportunities for the express delivery industry. The National Postal Administration stated that behind the monthly growth of express delivery business volume, which exceeded 10 billion units in 39 days and 50 billion units in 5 months, is a microcosm and reflection of China's economic vitality. Since the beginning of this year, influenced by favorable policies such as expanding domestic demand, the postal and express delivery industry has played a good role in opening up production and sales channels, connecting supply and demand ends, connecting online and offline, and unblocking internal and external circulation. It has gradually become an important force in driving national economic growth, serving national strategic deployment, ensuring stable economic and social operation, and meeting people's aspirations for a better life. Currently, the postal and express delivery industry is fully preparing for the peak business season of the "618" year. Major brand shipping companies are vigorously improving their digital operation level, optimizing transit and delivery processes, actively allocating resources such as manpower, vehicles, and aviation capacity, and accelerating the use of fully automated sorting, unmanned warehouses, unmanned vehicles, drones, and other equipment and technologies to enhance the overall production and service support capabilities. It is reported that during the "618" promotion period, the number of express orders is increasing day by day, and multiple express delivery companies have launched measures to safeguard the e-commerce promotion. According to data released by Cainiao, as of noon on June 1st, more than half of pre-sale packages nationwide have achieved half day delivery, not only in first tier cities and new first tier cities, but also in third and fourth tier cities. Among them, Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Xiaogan ranked among the top three with a half day delivery and signing rate for pre-sale packages, all exceeding 70%. In addition, cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen all had a half day delivery and signing rate exceeding 65%. E-commerce platforms also invite logistics partners to provide logistics operation support for "618". It is reported that during the guarantee period, platform merchants who choose to send orders by specially invited express delivery can enjoy three exclusive protection rights: "compensation package", "priority collection, transit, and delivery", and "exclusive customer service". The annual e-commerce promotion of '618' and 'Double 11' will form a period of rapid increase in express delivery volume. It is precisely under this extreme pressure that the transformation, upgrading, and experience optimization of the express delivery industry are promoted, which can be regarded as the catalyst for the explosion of quality and quantity growth in the express delivery industry. "Zhang Shule, a columnist of People's Daily and People's Post and Telecommunications, told Securities Daily that the emergence of more vertical forms such as fresh e-commerce and community group buying, It is also promoting the butterfly transformation and vertical segmentation of the express delivery industry itself, further improving and developing the express delivery ecosystem such as cold chain logistics and local distribution. In Hong Yong's view, changes in consumer forms will continue to benefit the express delivery industry. With the continuous growth and changes in online consumer demand, the express delivery industry

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:Securities Dairy

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