The May Day holiday is just the beginning, and the tourism markets in many countries are targeting Chinese holidays


Since the orderly resumption of citizens' outbound tourism in China, the overseas tourism market has clearly felt the heat of Chinese tourists' 'return wave'. On the 3rd, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the cultural and tourism market situation during the May Day holiday in 2023, with outbound tourism orders increasing nearly 7-fold year-on-year. A reporter from Xinhua News Agency recently visited and found that there is a significant increase in Chinese tourists to local tourist attractions, whether it is Thailand around China, Egypt, France, Italy, and other European countries with long distances. Multiple cultural and tourism departments and relevant practitioners have expressed that the surge in Chinese tourists has revitalized the domestic tourism industry and look forward to further expanding the business of Chinese tourists in the future. Thailand: During the May Day holiday, using all means to win over "big clients", hearing Mandarin frequently at well-known attractions such as the Grand Palace and King Zheng Temple in Thailand can make people mistakenly think they have returned to China. On social media, the younger generation in China talks about Thailand's gaming strategies and is familiar with checking in on internet celebrities. Before the long holiday, there were already clear signs of a return of Chinese tourists. According to data from the Kaitai Research Center, a Thai think tank, as of late April, Thailand has received over 737000 Chinese tourists this year, a surge of about 30 times compared to the same period in 2022. Wu Mingyu, Vice Chairman of the Taichung Tourism General Chamber of Commerce, who has been engaged in the tourism industry for more than 30 years, has been closely monitoring the dynamics of Chinese tourists after the epidemic. He said that the number of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand every day is currently around 10000, basically returning to the level of one-third before the epidemic. Not only that, the remaining Chinese holidays this year have also been included in the plan by Thai tourism industry. Marissa, chairman of the Thai Hotel Association, optimistically estimated that with the increase of flights between Thailand and China during the summer vacation, plus the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day and other Chinese public holidays in the second half of the year, they expected that the number of tourists from China would recover to 60% before the epidemic. Marissa said that the National Tourism Administration of Thailand has held multiple roadshows in major cities in China this year, and members of the Hotel Association have enthusiastically signed up, making every effort to win over China as a "big customer". The association also holds seminars to introduce members to the Chinese market and help them gain a deeper understanding of the habits and preferences of Chinese customers. Egypt: I hope to expand my business with Chinese tourists. "Since the beginning of this year, I have been very busy every day, receiving tour groups almost every week. Although I am very tired, I am happy to introduce Egyptian culture to Chinese tourists," Egyptian tour guide Amre Titi told reporters standing in front of the pyramid. Titi has studied in China and speaks fluent Chinese, mainly receiving Chinese tourists. He said that during the epidemic, most tour guides were "idle at home" without income, "the situation is getting better and better now," and "I am very happy to see more and more Chinese tourists again. In order to attract more tourists, the Egyptian tourism department has recently introduced a series of convenience measures such as landing visas. Mohammad Salama, the head of the Tourism Office of the Egyptian Tourism Promotion Bureau, said, "One of the most important conveniences is the landing visa. I believe this will effectively promote Chinese tourists to visit Egypt." Xu Tailin, a Yunnan tourist who visited Egypt during the May Day holiday, told reporters, "The flight seats were full all the way, and most of them were Chinese tourists." Another tourist from Guangdong, Chen Yixin, said

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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