Did the child not grow to genetic height? Long stature, traditional Chinese medicine has a "high prescription"


The height of a child can greatly affect many aspects of future life, career, and making friends. As the saying goes, a child's "seedling does not worry about growth", but parents, without exception, hope that their child's height can be more advantageous. There are many anxious parents regarding the question of how tall their children can grow in the future. In this issue of the "Xinglin Voice Live Room", we invite Professor Ye Jin, the head of pediatrics at Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to help you solve your child's growth and development problems. If your child wants to grow up, traditional Chinese medicine also has a "high prescription"! Half of Chinese children have not grown to genetic height? There are reports that half of Chinese children have not grown to genetic height. Professor Ye Jin stated that more scientific statistics are needed for "half" of the data, but there is indeed a situation where one cannot grow up to genetic height. Professor Ye Jin told reporters that 75% of the final height of the human body depends on genetic factors, but external factors such as environment, nutrition, and endocrine factors cannot be ignored. Even if the parents are relatively tall, if the child's basic height is relatively low at the beginning of puberty and they do not fully grow during puberty, the child's height at the end of the year may not necessarily be high, and there may be a possibility of not growing to genetic height. Only through scientific height management plans such as balanced nutrition, active exercise, sleep security, and disease prevention, can children's height at various stages be around the median, and their final height can reach or even exceed the genetic target height. Both "growing late" and "growing fast" may require height intervention. "If the child is not tall now, will they grow late in the future?" "Our child is the tallest in the class, so we definitely don't have to worry about height in the future!"... Parents who have such thoughts may have stepped on a misconception. Professor Ye Jin stated that each child has their own growth rate, but overall it has a pattern to follow, with height growth peaking during infancy and adolescence. The average length of a child at birth is 50cm, with a height increase of approximately 11-13cm in the first three months, which is equivalent to the growth value in the next nine months. In the first year, the child can grow up to 25cm in height, but in the second year, the growth rate slows down to about 10-12cm. After the age of 2, the height increases by 6-7cm annually. Adolescence is the transitional period from childhood to adulthood, where sexual hormones and growth hormones work together to cause a sudden increase in adolescent growth. But before entering puberty, there may be a temporary slow growth rate, followed by a rapid increase in height, followed by a deceleration until growth finally stops. "Late growth" in medicine refers to delayed physical puberty development, manifested as undeveloped secondary sexual characteristics in boys at 14 years old and girls at 13 years old, and testicular volume in boys at lt; 4ml, the girl has no breast development at the age of 13, or no menstruation after the age of 16, the bone age is normal or slightly backward, the secretion of thyroid hormone and growth hormone is normal, and the physical puberty delay is a retrospective diagnosis, and the patient often has a family history. Therefore, if a child is not tall and blindly waits for "late growth", it may lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment. If some children have recently experienced rapid and significantly higher height growth than their peers, it is necessary to check their sexual development and take bone age photographs. If it is early puberty or precocious puberty, the bone age may be earlier, and the growth potential may be affected. The epiphyses will close earlier, which will shorten the growth and development period of the bone and achieve year-end height

Edit:Guanguan    Responsible editor:Niexiaoqian


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