"This is a historic milestone of Laos China cooperation" - Laos eagerly expects the opening of cross-border passenger transport between China and Laos


On the 13th, the China Laos Railway will open a two-way cross-border passenger train from Kunming South to Vientiane Station, and Kunming to Vientiane, the capital of Laos, will be accessible by train on the same day. Lao people from all walks of life spoke highly of the opening of cross-border passenger transport between China and Laos, and looked forward to the opening of a new chapter in the history of Laos China cooperation. "You can travel to China by train soon!" "Welcome Chinese tourists to Laos! We wish you a happy journey!" "I hope that cross-border trains can help the Lao people, especially students, save their time and travel expenses for studying in China!"... The opening of cross-border passenger transport between China and Laos has become a hot topic in Laos for several days. Tongluo Dunshawan, editor in chief of the Vientiane Times in Laos, said, "For the Lao people, this is a proud moment. This is a historic milestone in Laos China cooperation." A Lao netizen said, "This is good news. The railway is fast and cost-effective, and now it is more convenient to go to China." "The arrival of Chinese tourists will bring tangible benefits to many tourism practitioners Noi Shawan, a street night market vendor in Vientiane, told Xinhua that she has studied Chinese and prepared a Chinese menu. "Cross border passenger trains will bring more Chinese tourists, which will effectively promote Laos' tourism industry and economic recovery. Cross border passenger trains facilitate exchanges between the two countries and promote cultural exchange, "said Wan Sai Tavyan, Deputy Minister of Propaganda of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on the 10th. Cross border trains will bring a large number of Chinese tourists to Laos, create opportunities for the development of tourism related industries in Laos, and further improve the living standards of the Lao people. Kampei Pilapa, president of Laos Batliao News Agency, highly praised the historic event of the opening of cross-border passenger transport on the China Laos railway. The opening of cross-border passenger transportation is a support for Laos' development strategy, and Laos will become an important connecting point for regional transportation, "he said. At the end of 2021, the China Laos Railway will be put into operation, opening up a new path to development and prosperity for the Lao people. Before the opening of the cross-border passenger train from Kunming South to Vientiane Station, the Kunming to Mohan and Vientiane to Boten passenger trains had already been operated in sections, which were favored by the people along the line; Cross border freight trains actively explore new modes of railway international intermodal transport, such as the "Lancang Mekong Express", "China Laos Railway+China Europe Express". The volume and categories of cross-border freight transport continue to increase, and the China Laos Railway is booming both in passenger and freight transport. As of April 9, the China Laos Railway has sent 13.93 million passengers and 18.38 million tons of goods, including 3.59 million tons of cross-border goods, which has played a positive role in building a golden corridor between China and South Asia and Southeast Asia, and a community of common destiny between China and Laos. On March 29th, the Deputy Director of the Office of the Prime Minister of Laos, Tipagon Zhantafengsa, told the media after the monthly government work meeting that the tourism industry is a priority industry for the recovery and development of Laos after the epidemic, and the cross-border transportation of the Laos China Railway will significantly promote the development of Laos' tourism industry. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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