China's economy has made steady progress to meet difficulties


In the past 2022, China's economy has stabilized and improved in volatility. From the perspective of economic growth, employment, price level and other indicators, China's economy has been outstanding among the major economies in the world, demonstrating the resilience and influence of the major economies. Over the past five years, China's economy has grown by more than 5% annually, better than the global average; In the past 10 years, the total economic output has doubled, and its contribution to world economic growth ranks first. The economic strength has reached a new level. In 2022, the international environment is stormy, the risk of stagflation in the world economy is increased, the epidemic situation is repeatedly delayed, high temperature and drought and other factors beyond expectations are obvious. In the face of difficult situations, China's economy withstands the pressure and continues to develop, with the GDP reaching 121 trillion yuan. After the continuous breakthroughs of 100 trillion yuan and 110 trillion yuan in 2020 and 2021, China has again reached a new level on the high base; At the annual average exchange rate, it reached US $18 trillion, ranking second in the world. The per capita GDP was 85698 yuan, which reached 12741 US dollars at the annual average exchange rate, and remained above 12000 US dollars, exceeding the global average level, and remained among the middle and high income countries; The balance of foreign exchange reserves remained above US $3 trillion, ranking first in the world. From the perspective of international comparison, China's GDP grew by 3% last year, faster than the economic growth of major economies such as the United States 2.1%, Germany 1.9% and France 2.6%. It is preliminarily estimated that China's contribution rate to world economic growth will be close to 20% in 2022, which will remain an important engine and stabilizing force for world economic growth. The foundation of economic development is more solid. China has the most complete industrial system and an increasingly complete infrastructure network. The security guarantee capacity of food and energy resources has been continuously improved, and the resilience of the industrial chain supply chain has been continuously strengthened. In 2022, the annual grain output will reach 1373.1 billion jin, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year, reaching a record high, and achieving "19 consecutive harvests"; The output of major industrial products continues to be among the top in the world. The past five years have been extremely unusual and extraordinary. We have withstood multiple tests such as the accelerated evolution of world changes, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and the domestic economic downturn. In 2020, China will become the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth; In 2021, the economic scale will exceed 110 trillion yuan, with an average growth of 5.1% in two years; In 2022, the economy withstood the pressure, made progress while maintaining stability, and continued to consolidate the recovery trend. The "report card" of China's economy attracted worldwide attention. Over the past five years, China's position as the world's second largest economy, the second largest consumer market, the largest manufacturing country, the largest trade in goods, the second largest trade in services, and the largest foreign exchange reserves has been further consolidated. In the 10 years of the new era, China's economic and social development has made historic achievements, undergone historic changes and turned to high-quality development. The scientific and technological strength, comprehensive national strength and international influence have continued to increase, especially the historic solution to the problem of absolute poverty, the completion of a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, the realization of the first centennial goal, and the new journey towards building a socialist modern country in all respects. China's development stands at a new and higher historical starting point. The quality of development has been steadily improved in Beijing, the capital. In the new year, Beijing will systematically promote the new generation of digital trunking private network

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:economic dairy

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