Is it really necessary to improve immunity by eating protein powder?


On the way to "Yangkang", all kinds of dietary supplements and health products also rubbed a wave of heat. In particular, protein powder is regarded by many people as a "health accelerator" because it can supplement protein. So, is there any relationship between supplementing protein powder and improving immunity? Do "Yangkang" people really need to eat? Who is not suitable for supplementing protein powder? Today, the doctors in the nutrition department will share with you some knowledge about protein powder supplement. Can protein supplement improve immunity? First of all, the answer is that ensuring the reasonable intake of protein helps to improve the immunity of the body. As the structural material of life, protein is an important component of immune organs, tissues and immune cells. Antibodies, one of the important immune substances we often mention, are also proteins in nature. In addition, proteins also participate in the formation of a variety of active substances, such as enzymes, hormones, etc. Immunity is the body's own defense mechanism. It is the ability of the body to recognize and eliminate any foreign matter (virus, bacteria, etc.) that is invaded from outside, to deal with aging, injury, death, and degeneration of its own cells, and to recognize and deal with mutant cells and virus-infected cells in the body. In short, immunity is the ability of the human body to resist diseases and protect its own health. The immune system performs this function. The immune system of the human body consists of immune organs, tissues, cells and molecules. If the confrontation between the body and the virus is compared to a war, the immune system is equivalent to a "soldier" who is fighting to maintain the health of the body. Only when "soldiers" have enough food can they have the strength to play their normal functions, so as to resist diseases and win wars. Therefore, to maintain good immunity, it is essential to provide comprehensive and balanced nutrients for the body. Among them, the proper intake of protein is particularly important. How much protein do you need to take in the beginning of a serious illness? So the question is, how much protein does Yangkang need? For healthy adults engaged in light physical activities, about 1 gram of protein is required per kilogram of body weight per day. Therefore, the recommended intake of protein for men is about 65 grams per day, and for women is about 55 grams per day (only rough calculation, specific to the individual needs to consider weight, BMI, health status, exercise, etc.). For the Yangkang population, the protein intake can be increased by 20%, sometimes even by 50%, and sufficient protein intake can be guaranteed by 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. In particular, it is encouraged to eat more fish, lean meat, eggs, milk, beans and their products to improve the intake of high-quality protein. In addition, in order to better promote the synthesis of body protein, it is suggested that the protein intake should be relatively evenly distributed in the morning, middle and evening meals. According to the latest dietary guidelines for Chinese residents (2022 edition), eating an appropriate amount of staple foods (more than 6 liang for men and more than 5 liang for women), 1 cup of milk+1 cup of yogurt (500 ml), 2 eggs (1 whole egg+1 egg white), 3 pairs of lean meat, 3 pairs of soy products, etc. every day, is enough to meet the recommended protein intake mentioned above. It can be seen that ordinary Yangkang people can completely meet the body's protein requirements through daily diet. In addition, daily diet provides protein for the body

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Jia Jia

Source:Beijing Youth Daily

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