The people's livelihood list of 2023 has been published in many places, and these matters have been focused on!


In 2023, what practical issues of people's livelihood will local governments focus on? With the end of the provincial two sessions in 2023, the list of practical issues on people's livelihood in the work reports of local governments has attracted attention and discussion from the outside world. Recently, many regions have also successively issued relevant documents to promote the implementation of important livelihood practical projects. Among them, elderly care services, infant care, birth support policies, employment and so on have become high-frequency words. Promoting the construction of elderly care service facilities in many places and increasing the number of elderly care beds "one for the old and one for the young" is related to thousands of households. Looking at the list of people's livelihood facts published in various places, we can see that elderly care services, infant care, education assistance and other topics related to the elderly and children occupy a considerable space. In terms of elderly care services, many places have given specific target figures. For example, the government work report in Henan mentioned that 60000 families of the elderly with special difficulties were completed to adapt to aging. According to the government work report of Inner Mongolia, 2350 new township elderly care service centers and village-level elderly care service stations have been built to expand and improve the service functions of 200 rural mutual-aid elderly care homes. Jiangxi's government work report mentioned that 13000 new family nursing beds were added. Among the 50 livelihood practices in Jilin, 100 integrated embedded community home-based elderly care service centers and 100 community elderly cafeterias were built. However, the list of people's livelihood facts in Zhejiang mentioned that 8000 beds and 6000 certified nursing staff were newly added in the special care area for cognitive impairment. The reporter noted that the measures in many places are concentrated on community and home-based elderly care. From strengthening the construction of elderly care service facilities, to building elderly care beds, community elderly cafeterias, and then to the aging of elderly families, most of them meet the elderly care needs by promoting the construction of hardware facilities. Some regions also focus on "software", such as improving the quality of the elderly care service talent team, developing the elderly care industry and the elderly care industry, and building the "15-minute elderly care service circle" of urban home-based communities. In terms of reducing the burden of childbearing, rearing and education, many places have proposed to increase child-care institutions, infant child-care centers and degrees. As mentioned in the Implementation Plan of the People's Livelihood Project in Hebei Province in 2023, 300 standardized demonstration childcare institutions were established. Shanxi's list of practical issues on people's livelihood mentioned that each county should build a demonstration public comprehensive childcare institution with 80-150 seats. According to the government work report of Henan Province, 100000 new public kindergarten degrees were added. According to the "List of Top 10 People's Livelihood Projects in Hubei Province in 2023", 40000 new nurseries for infants under 3 years old and 15000 new public kindergarten degrees were added. Ningxia proposed that the number of child-carriers per 1000 people should reach 2.4. According to the "Division of Work Plan for Beijing to Run Important Livelihood Projects in 2023", we will support qualified kindergartens to enroll children aged 2-3 years old, and increase the number of nurseries by 6000. Many places also proposed to optimize and improve the fertility support policy. Among them, the government work report of Sichuan proposed to develop community childcare services with centralized management and operation. The government work report of Ningxia proposed to improve the supporting measures for the birth of three children, and try to issue child care subsidies to families with registered residence registration who have two children or more

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai

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