The Central Finance Office Deeply Interprets the Spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference


The just concluded Central Economic Work Conference was a very important meeting convened by the Party Central Committee after the 20th National Congress. Comrades in charge of the Central Finance Office received questions from Xinhua News Agency and other media reporters, and responded to the current hot economic issues around learning and implementing the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference. China's economic operation is expected to pick up next year. Question: How do you view China's economic trend next year? A: At present, China's economic operation still faces many risks and challenges. Internationally, the crisis in Ukraine has been prolonged, the global trade situation is not optimistic, commodity prices fluctuate at a high level, food and energy security issues are prominent, and the world economy may face stagflation; Domestically, the foundation for economic recovery is not yet solid, the triple pressures of demand contraction, supply shock and expected weakening are still large, and the economic and social risk points are increasing. At the same time, it should be noted that China's economy is resilient, has great potential and is full of vitality. The fundamentals of long-term improvement have not changed, and the conditions of resource elements can support it. According to the comprehensive analysis, the growth rate of the world economy may decline significantly next year, while China's economy is expected to recover on the whole, forming an independent upward trajectory. First, the optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures will have a significant positive impact on economic recovery. It is expected that the first half of next year, especially the second quarter, will speed up the recovery of social production and living order, and accelerate the release of economic vitality. Second, the stock policy and incremental policy are combined. The policy of expanding effective demand and promoting structural optimization that has been introduced and implemented this year will continue to show its effect in the next year. Next year, new policies and measures will be introduced according to actual needs. The stock policy and the incremental policy will work together to actively promote economic recovery and development. Third, the cardinal effect. This year's economic growth is lower than expected, objectively resulting in a relatively low economic base this year. As long as the economy resumes normal growth next year, the base effect will form a certain support for next year's economic data. All regions and departments should earnestly implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and strive to achieve the goals and tasks of economic and social development next year. Q: In what areas will macroeconomic policies work to improve the overall economic performance next year? A: The macro policy framework for next year can be summarized as five policies plus six overall plans. The five major policies are fiscal, monetary, industrial, scientific and social policies. The requirement for fiscal policy is to enhance efficiency. Next year, we will moderately increase the expansion of fiscal policy, improve policy effectiveness, and better leverage the role of finance in leveraging social funds. The requirements for monetary policy are precise and powerful, the monetary policy should be strong enough, the liquidity should be reasonable and sufficient, and the broad money supply and the growth of social financing scale should basically match the economic growth of the same name. The investment structure should be precise, especially to support small and micro enterprises and scientific and technological innovation

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai

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