Is infantile eczema always repeated? Experts teach you how to cope


From October to April of the next year, eczema occurs frequently. When many people hear the word "eczema", they think it is caused by too wet skin, but the fact is just the opposite. "Dry" is the main reason. As we all know, the skin is the barrier of the human body, but the air, environment and other reasons lead to the destruction of the skin barrier, the loss of transcutaneous water increases, the skin will become dry and fragile, resulting in eczema, inflammation and other problems. High incidence of infant eczema incidence rate afflicts 20% of children and 3% of adults worldwide. It is a severe skin inflammatory reaction caused by multiple factors. At present, studies have shown that the pathogenesis of eczema is related to heredity, environment, infection, immune abnormalities and the decline of skin barrier function. The incidence of infant eczema has always been at a high level. According to the survey report, the incidence rate of infant eczema is 75.6%. The first incidence of eczema is mostly seen in infants within 6 months, with the prevalence rate as high as 73.96%. It is characterized by a relatively concentrated age of onset. The younger the age, the higher the incidence rate. The onset characteristics of infantile eczema When infants first develop eczema, most of them show symmetrical distribution of erythema, and gradually appear papules, papules, and blisters. The children consciously itch. The blisters are damaged due to scratching and friction, forming exudative erosive surface. When the blisters dry, they can form yellow scabs, which are common on the head, face, and chest. To prevent eczema, the following points should be paid attention to in the baby's diet: 1. Supplement vitamin D during pregnancy. A new British study shows that vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of atopic eczema in infants under one year old. 2. Persist in breastfeeding. The study found that if children were breastfed at birth, the risk of eczema would be reduced by 54% when they grew up. However, during lactation, the mother should not eat spicy and stimulating food and drink alcohol. 3. Add food step by step. When trying a new food for infants, the principle of "from less to more, step by step" should be followed to make them adapt slowly. 4. Avoid allergic food. At present, dietary avoidance is the only effective way to treat food allergy. Since food allergy may self heal with age, it should be monitored regularly. 5. Choose appropriate food substitutes. Breastfed babies with milk protein allergy are recommended to continue breastfeeding, but mothers should avoid milk protein food. Non breastfed infants with milk protein allergy can choose amino acid formula or deeply hydrolyzed protein formula. Generally speaking, amino acid or deeply hydrolyzed formula should be eaten for 3-6 months. After that, parents can gradually try to feed partially hydrolyzed formula. If there is no other abnormal reaction, they can try to feed with ordinary formula after 6 months. 6. Most eczema babies have a good prognosis, and they can generally recover with age. For example, most babies with milk protein allergy can be relieved before the age of 3, and about 2/3 children with egg allergy can be cured before the age of 7. However, allergy to peanuts, nuts, fish, shrimp and crabs lasts for a long time, and some may last for life. Pay attention to the following points in daily life: 1. Try to choose pure cotton clothes and quilts as baby's clothes, and avoid wool, chemical fiber and nylon clothes contacting baby

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai

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