The Communist Party of China is a political party promoting the modernization of the country -- An interview with Yisi, Chairman of the Royal Institute for East West Strategy


"I understand and agree with the fact that the Communist Party of China is a party that promotes national modernization and national rejuvenation." Yi Si, chairman of the Royal East West Strategic Research Institute, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency at his home in the eastern city of Peterborough. Yi Si, 54 years old, was born in France. His real name is Jean Christoph Iser Pfeiten, but he prefers to use the Chinese name "Yi Si". At the beginning of the 20th century, Yisi's great uncle opened a factory in France to accept Chinese youth work study program. This family history has inspired Yi Si's strong interest in China. He began to learn Chinese very early and can speak Chinese fluently. In recent years, Ease has participated in and contributed to China's development projects through academic exchanges, suggestions and investment promotion. When it comes to the development achievements of China in recent years under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Yi Si goes on and on. He said that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China became the first developing country to achieve the poverty reduction goals of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. "This is an important achievement". In his view, the great achievements of the Communist Party of China also include leading the country to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Yi Si said that China is one of the important engines of world economic growth. Today, the Communist Party of China is leading the country to achieve the development goal of reaching the level of moderately developed countries by 2035. In Yi Si's view, what is also commendable is that the Communist Party of China has provided the world with a socialist democratic system different from western democracy. Through continuous development, "this system is becoming more and more perfect". Yi Si is committed to studying China and the Communist Party of China, and has accumulated more than 2000 pages of research notes over the years. He concluded that the Communist Party of China has a lot of successful experience. This party is people centered and supported by the people; This political party is constantly carrying out self innovation and keeping pace with the times in accordance with the needs of the Chinese people and changes in the world situation. In recognition of Yi Si's long-term support and help to poor women and children in rural China, the Communist Youth League Fushun Municipal Committee and the Youth Federation also awarded him the honorary certificate of "Lei Feng Spirit". Yi Si is very proud of the honor of "Yang Lei Feng". "Lei Feng spirit is the spirit of selfless dedication to the people, and this noble quality has been well inherited in China. I see many young Chinese have been practicing Lei Feng spirit". He also hopes that through his experience of obtaining this honor, more Western friends can understand "the inner power of Chinese people". Yi Si is full of expectations for the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He said that the 20th CPC National Congress will have a positive impact on the world. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China is moving towards the set goals and will further play an important role on the world stage. Yi Si is currently devoting himself to writing On Democracy in China. He hopes to introduce to foreign readers in detail what he has learned about China's achievements in democratic construction based on the real situation he has observed and learned in Jilin, Shanghai and other places for many years. This book is scheduled to be published in 2023. (Liu Xinshe)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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