Ukraine has shipped 1 million tons of grain, and Russia calls for the implementation of the Russian grain export agreement


Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency foreign correspondents reported: Ukrainian President Zelensky said on the 26th that since the implementation of the agreement on the export of agricultural products from the Black Sea port, 1 million tons of grain have been transported abroad through three ports in Ukraine. On the same day, the Russian Ministry of foreign affairs called for the implementation of the memorandum of understanding on Russian grain and fertilizer exports to ensure global food security. -- according to the news released on the website of the Ukrainian presidential office, Zelensky said in his speech on the 26th that since the implementation of the agreement on export of agricultural products, 1 million tons of grain have been transported abroad through the three Ukrainian Black Sea ports of chernomosk, Odessa and pivkane. During this period, 44 ships carrying Ukrainian grain arrived in 15 countries. At present, there are still more than 70 ships applying to enter the port of Uzbekistan to load grain for export. Ukraine aims to export 3 million tons of food by sea every month. -- the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 26th that much work needs to be done to implement the memorandum of understanding signed by Russia and the United Nations on Russian grain and fertilizer exports. Although the United States and the European Union claim that the sanctions against Russia are not applicable to grain and fertilizer, there are still many obstacles in bank settlement, insurance and shipping due to the sanctions. Russia calls on all parties concerned to take a responsible and serious attitude and fully implement relevant agreements to ensure global food security. -- Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the 27th that in the past day, the Ukrainian armed forces shelled the zaborore nuclear power station three times. The Ukrainian artillery position that carried out the shelling was located in the residential area of markanec in dnipropetrovsk state. The Russian artillery counterattacked and destroyed a US m777 howitzer. At present, the radiation condition of zaborore nuclear power station is normal, and technicians are monitoring the nuclear power station and ensuring its operation. He said that in the past day, Russian air defense forces shot down seven Ukrainian drones and intercepted one "dot-u" missile and 18 US "haimas" multi barrel rocket shells. - according to today's Russian news agency report on the 28th, balitsky, head of the administrative agency of zaporoze Oblast in Ukraine, said that he had made preparations for any possible situation at the zaporoze nuclear power station, including formulating plans to evacuate residents if necessary. - according to the Ukrainian State News Agency on the 27th, quoting information from military departments in Ukraine, the Russian army shelled zaporoze state, Kharkov state and other places on the 26th. -- Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova commented on the 26th that Russia is taking all necessary measures to ensure that the IAEA delegation can safely visit the zaborore nuclear power station and achieve its set goals. Zakharova said that Russia hopes that the United Nations can devote its energy to preventing Kiev from posing a threat to nuclear security. In particular, the Uzbek army is shelling the zaborore nuclear power station, and some shells landed in the spent fuel storage area. This task has become more urgent. - today's Russian news agency reported on the 26th that the Ukrainian army deliberately shelled the zaporoze nuclear power station in an attempt to cause a nuclear waste leakage accident, citing Rogov, a representative of the zaporoze state government. (news agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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